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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 30.11.1864
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1864-11-30
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 30.11.1864
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-186411303
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18641130
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1864
- Monat1864-11
- Tag1864-11-30
- Monat1864-11
- Jahr1864
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2708 Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel. 148, 30. November. Neuigkeiten der ausländischen Literatur. Englische Literatur. XKVLN.80K, 8., tke Hawaiian Islands; tkeir Progress and condition under Missionar)' lsdours. 12. Illustrsted. (Loston.) London. 10 s. -4vsnn, tV, an artist's prook. 3 Vols. kost 8. London, linsle). Olotk 31 s. 6 3. Xvvviuik noi.iv4.V8 ok a vovnvnv v4N8vk». 8x sutkor ok ,,8«creations ok a cvuntr^ psrson". kost 8. London, Longman. Olotk 9 s. 84IISL8, 'kn., Lxplorations in 8vutk-1Ve«t-Xkrica; being SN account ok a )ourne)' in tke )esrs 1861 an<I 1862, krom VVslvisck La)' vn tke Western cosst to Lake IVgami and tlie Victoria 8alls. 8. London, Longman. Olotk 21 s. vr. L-ivingstone. Ike vvlume cootaius a IsrZe number ok Illustration«. 84Nt0W, 8. 6., criticsl, kistorical, and pkilosopkical contributions to tke stud)' ok tke Divina Ovmmedia. 8o)al 8. London, IVil- liaws L IV. Olotk 25 s. LNIVI4N, 8. 8., Man and kis relstions; illustrating tke inkuence ok tke mind on tke bodx, etc. 8. (IVew Vorlc.) London. 14 s. 8nvcx, 1., tke kolx roman empire (Arnold prire essa)', 1863). 8. Oxkord, Mscmillan. Olotk 6 s. 61.11,16.4.1. vxcivnxs and NLV0NV8 b)' tke medical and surgical stakk ok tke London Hospital. Vol.1. 8. London, Okurckill k 8ons. 6lotk 7 s. 6 3. Ooi«8, »LV4I.8 and 8X41.8, ancient and modern, illustrateri and described. IVitk a sketck ok tke kistor)' ok coins and coinsge, instruction» kor ^oung collectors, takles ok comparative rsrit)', price lists, etc. Ldited b) VV. 6. krime. 8mal> 4. (^lew X'orle.) London. 16 s. 8v4«8, ^.V6V8V4 3., Macaris. 3 Vols. kost 8. London, 8sunäers L O. 6Iotk 31 s. 6 6. 8köxion. — 1?ke little darling at kome: a series ok drawings bx 1,. 8rölick. 'kext k) ker mamma. Iranslated k) Mrs. 6. Looper. 8o)al 8. London, Dulau. 8oards 4 s. Onixsiitaxn, 'kn., tke M)steries ok tke Vatikan; or, crimes ok tke papacx. 2 Vols. kost 8. London, Xllen. Olotk 21 s. 84XVW4V, X., Lver^-ds)' pspers. 2 Vols. kost 8. London, "kins- lex. 6Iotk 21 s. 8.4INLNI0N, Mrs., leanne Laragus): s novel. kost 8. London, 6kspman jc Lall. 6Iotk 9 s. 8xnvxv, 8os4!aoitv, tkoi4srkergs. 2 Vols. kost 8. London, Mac- millsn. 6Iotk 21s. Lvxi.LV, 3k. L., and 8 IV. 84vviciki8, elementar)' stlas ok compa- rative osteolog^. 12 kvlio plates. 8o)al 4. London, IVillisms L IV. 6lotk koards 25 s. 84.VX, d. W., a kistor)' ok tke Lepo) war in India. 3Vols. Vvl. 1. 8. London, ^.Ilen. 6lotk 18 s. Xxivu. — Memoir ok Mrs. 6sroline k. 8eitk, Missionar)' ok tke Protestant episcopal ckurck to Okins. Ldited b) ker drotker, VV. 6. 'kenne)'. 12. (IVew Xorlc.) London. 9 s. 8i«a, 8. M., Iroutk, lovs, or, tke Garden ok 8den and its kruits. London, Williams L IV. 6l»tk 8s. 6 d. Lxiuoit, M., Loved st last: a stör). 3 Vols. kost 8. London, Lradkur)'. 6lotk 31 s. 6 d. / Liiivvti,. — Like ok ^raksm Lincoln. 8x d. L. öarrett. 12. kor- trsit. (Lincinnati.) London. 8 s. IULlt8», VIrs., Leverses. L)' sutkor ok,,i4nAelo". 2Vols. London, iVIurra) L 6v. 6Iotk 21 s. !ULN8«^i.i., IV., 6karscter and its development. 12. Ldinkurßk, Lamiltvn. 6Iotk 5 s. IV1LI.VII.I.L, 6. d. VVs., tke kroolces ok Lridleinere. 3 Vols. ?ost8. London, 6kapman L L. 6Iotk 31 s. 6 d. lUorvxr, k., tke Standard slpkabet proklem; or, tke preliminar)' sub)ect ok a general pkonic System, considered on tke bssis ok some important kacts in tke 8eckwsns language ok 8outk- .Vkrics, and in rekerence to tke views ok krokessor Lepsius, Vlax »lüller, and otkers: a contribution to pkonetic pkilolog)'. 8. London, 'krükner. 6Ivtk 7 s. 6 d. ^o^v, L. !Vl., a mannal ok ckemicsl anal)'«!«, «zualitstive and guan- titative, kor tke use ok studentr. kost 8. London, Okurckill. Olotk 16 s. OnvL^i.,tke, kor wiVLS. 8) sutkor ok „Moral« ok m»)' kair". 3 Vols. kost 8. London, Lurst L 8. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. 8uLMv^i,, L., Oecil korresteri a nuvel. 2 Vols. kost 8. Lon don, IVewd)'. Olotk 21 s. 8uinici.-4k,v, k., O^clopaedia ok commercial and business anscdotes. Lmbellisked witk portraits and illustrative cuts. 2 Vols. 8. London. 31 s. 6 d. Siuirii, d., Uandkoolc vf dental anstom)' and surger)r, kor tke use ok Student« and prsctitioners. 12. London, Okurckill. Olotk 3 s. 6 d. Sovrusxrx, U., IVKat men ksve ssid about womsn: s collection ok ckoice tkougkts and sentences, compiled and anal)'ticsll)' sr- rsnged. 12. London, koutledge. Olotk 7 s. 6 d. 8xLk,6LN, L., tke principles ok diolog)'. Vol. 1. ^ System ok pki- losopk)'. Vol. 2. 8. London, Williams L IV. Olotk 16 s. 8sviNL (Lalmsnno, M. 8., Lond.), coloured pkotograpks ok «Irin diseases, karts 1., 2., and 3. London, Okurckill L 8ons. 3 s. 6 d. eack. 8rLil,LULl«,LN, O. VV., tke origin and esrl^ kistor)' ok masonr)'. 12. (?1ew Vork.) London. 4 s. 8iLl>»L«80i,, 8.0NLU1, Like ok, k)' d. O. deakkreson, witk descriptive ckspters on some ok kis most important prvkessionsl works IV. kole. 2 Vols. 8. London, Longman.Olotk 32 s. 'kitVtou, 6., dokn Oodkre)''s kortunes, related bx kimsslk. 3 Vols. kost 8. London, Low. Olotk 24 s. 'kL8VLML«r. — l^ke IVew 'kestament ok Our Lord and 8aviour do- sus Okrist. Witk engrsvings on woodjkrvm designs ok k'ra ;4n- gelico, kietro kerugino, krancesco k'rsncis, Lorenxo di Oredi, kra 8artolommeo, "kitian, Lspkael, Oaudenxio Ferrari, Daniel di Volterra, and otkers. 4. London, Longman. Olotk 3L 3».; morocco 5 L 5 s. 1'noi.l.opL, ^., lales ok all countries. Oomplete in 1 vol. kost 8. London, Okspman L 8. Olotk 5 s. 1'noi.l.oi'L, 1u. ^V., Lindiskarn ckase: a novel. 3 Vols. kost 8. Lon don, Okspma» L 8. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. VV^vUM, d. VV., on dipktkeria and dipktkeritic diseases. 12. Lon don, Okurckill. Olotk 3 s. keprinteä krom tke iouriml ok tke kritisk kledieel ^ssocistion. Wivti^ius, d. 4V., a clean slcin: kow to get it and kow to Iceep it. 8Icin diseases ok constitutional origin, tkeir etiolog)', pstkolo- g), and trestment. 8. London, 8impkin. Olotk 4s. 6 d. tVouuoiSL, 8. d., Osmpion court: a tale ok tke da)s ok tke e)ect- ment two kundred )-esrs sgo. 12. London, Virtue. Olotk 5 s. 1Voit»iLi.i), 8. 8., tke ckess openings. 12. London, 8impson. Olotk 4s. 6 d. dVu^xxi.1., 8ir 6. 8., militar)' slcetckes. kost 8. London, teilen. Olotk 10 s. 6. d. Italienische Literatur. (Mitgetheilt von Hermann Loescher in Turin.) delle Oniversitä toscane. lomo VII. karte prima. 8c!«nre noologicke. karte Seconda. 8cienne cosmolvgicke. Oon lo tsvole. 4. kisa. 12 l. Memoria sopra le kunrioni alAedriclte tli uoa variabUe eomplessa. (dell') del vetro per wusaico. "kre trsttattelli dei secoli XIV —XV per la prima volta pukblicati. 12. Ilologna. 6 l. tVssLklkNi (gli) di 8ra kilippo da 8iena, leggende del sscolo XIV. lestv di lingua ineditv, tratto da un codice sutograko della likreria comuuale di 8iena e pubklicato per cura di 0. 8. Osr- pellini. 12. 8iens. 2 I. 80 c.
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