244, IS Oktober IS08. Fertige Bücher. «Srl-ublatl,. d. Dtschu. Buchhandel 1I5S1 fIK8I WM V0bIE8 kiOW kbävV N'8 iv?? Olbl io? of l>Iotadle Lop^rigdt 6oods in Iravel, Uistorz^, 6io§rapd)k Oeneral diterature l' l'XOLR. arrangement witd 8everal o5 tde leading pudli8der8, Nessrs. Nelson are now i88uing an important new 8erie8 of ^eprint8 1di8 will compri8e tde de8t worlr8 of recent )^ear8 in Iravel, X. V Ni8tor^, Liograpd/, and Oeneral laiterature. ^lan)k worlr8 of 8trilring merit, tde price of wdicd da8 ditderto prevented tdem 5rom attraoting tde attention tde^ de8erve, will de ineluded. Ide volnme8 are tde 8ame 8ire a8 tde now familiär t§el80n'8 didrar^, are deantifull^ printed and illu8trat6d, and dound in clotd elegant, witd 8peoial end-paper8 and coloured wrapper. lour voIume8 will de i88ued in Ootoder, Xovemder, and Oecemder re8pectivel/. fl?8I 50V? VOdvE I^O^V ?^VV Lcramdles ^.rnongst tde ^Ips. Lolleetions and Kecollections. Ide Oreat 6oer War. dite of ^sokn l^icdolson. -VO XLakkSL/?. Ike IVlemories ok Dean Hole. Willi I.lke io Ä Soutllern (^ouot^. XicbLrcl Selleries Uleksalms inlluman laike. X.li.klotksro laike ok tilLllslooe. Herbert w. ?LttI dd^vard XVti^mper O. XV. L. Russell Lir ^x.. donLN Oo^le dJptain ^drotter Ule l oi etit. LtevvLrt IlätVLrä Wkite Hie Oollieil ^t§e. Xermelk OrLkttirie HieSilnpIe-tllvenlures okL!Neill8Lliib. Lsra )eLnnette Ouncsn liemilliKeeoces ok 8ir llenrz? llawkias. AW^ plric^ OKL 8llilalaino XL'? PLK volavivlk:. -W« SellioA ternis ailll krospeetuses upon appIieLtioo, Io 1N0N^8 Ixl?b80^l ^0 80N8. 35 L 36, Daternoste? kow, London L ; Ldinbu^b, Dublin L ^e>v Vork. 1514*