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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 16.02.1923
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1923-02-16
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 16.02.1923
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-192302162
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-19230216
- Nutzungshinweis
- Freier Zugang - Rechte vorbehalten 1.0
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Urheberrechtsschutz 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1923
- Monat1923-02
- Tag1923-02-16
- Monat1923-02
- Jahr1923
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1346 Börsenblatt f. d. Dtschn. Buchhandel. Bibliographischer Teil. X- 40. 16. Februar 1923. Zulius Springer in Berlin ferner: Wvlfseiisleni: Die Pslan^enalkalvide. 3. Ausl. Geb. OL. 18. Zeltfragen, Letruedsunr-tschastliche. 1. Heft. Schmalcnvach: Gvtdluarkbilanz. 2>. Ausl. OL. 15. 8cbl2. 6. OV. Ltrccker L Schröder in Stuttgart. 1367 Adolph: Die Weltanschauung Gustav Theodor Kechuers. Kart. OL. 2, Hlivbd. Or. 3, ^wdö. OL. 4, 8cb>L. 6. 11V. Lruvienene tieuigiieiteil He; oiulänüitciieii kucüillliiüel!. (MitZeteilt von ^.sber L Co. Lu Koriin W. 8.) /^merlkaaLssiUe Literatur. ^mor. 8". 1 ^ 25 e. ^ k d 3 -1 " - ä L UrLtton, and L. A. kose: rbe eaetaeeae. Oeseriptions and L11. ok pimus 01 tue caetus kamii)'. V oi. 3. Vvasbintzton: Ourne^e Lust. ok Wasb. 4°. 14 H- vuebiaZdain, Karte: krineiples ok interebanZeable manukacturlnZ. I^ew ^orx: bidustrial kress. 8°. 3 P. Lull, 1'. O.: Cbemistry ok to-day. 'I'be mysteries ok cbemislry lueidl^ expiained in a populär and interest. manner. kuiladelpuia: Llppin- colt. 8". 2 P 75 c. Carpenter, krank Ovorxe: Ibe boly land and 8yria. III. Oarden Cit^, l^'. V.: Ooubleda^, KaZe. 8°. 3^. Cartmell, MadLou: 8lores and Materials control, IncludinZ procuremenl b)' mauulaeiure and b^ puiebase. k^ew Voile: lionald Kress. 8°. 4 P 50 e. Ckainders, Lom) kdward: Mississippi Valley beZinnlnZs. ^n outline 01 tbe earl^ bistor^ ok tbe earliest West, dlew Vorb: kutnam. 8". 4 ^ 50 e. Clanee), .lames Lannibal: I'be law and its sorrows. ^n exoterio ok our leZal wronZs. Oetroit, Mieb.: Oentbam Inst. 8". 1 tz 50 e. Coaper, William 8.: I'be L1road-8eIeropbyIl veZetatlon ok Calikornia. WaslunZton: CartteZie lnstit. ok Warb. 8». 2 P. Dann, kieb. lurner. and dames M. Xinxsle^- Oonerete computalion eliarts. dlew Vorb: Oodex Ob. Oo. 4". 5 H. Oxbiue, krank: l'olitics, an original investiZation into tbe essential ele- ments and inberent dekeets eommon to all present korms ok govern- inenl. dlew Vork: Oulton. 8°. 2 b- Oidson, Cbarles !i.: I'be romanee ok eoal. ^ populär aeeount ok tbe oriZin and nature ok eoal etc. Obiladelpbia: Lippineolt. 8". 2 P 50 e. Cuedalla, kbilip: 'l'be seeond empire, Oonapartism. Ibe prinoe, tbe President, tbe einperor. dlew Vorb: Outnam. 8°. 5 P. Laase, Adelaide li.: Index to eeonomie material in tbe doeuments ok tlle States ok tbe O. 8.: keim. pari 3. Wasbington. CarneZle Inst, ok Wasb. 4". 4 ^ 25 c. Lavkord, dobn k.: Lkkeets ok winds and ok darometrie pressures on be Oreat Labes. Wasbington: Oaruegie Inst, ok Wasb. 8". 2 P 75 e. lletrel, krederiek V.: Oelt conve>ors and beit elevalors. Vorb: Wile.v. 8°. 5 b- »la<8»>>an. Kennetb. and ködert Ldmond dones: Oontineutal staZe- rrakt. k^exv Vork: llarcouit, kraee. 8°. 5 tz. lttarvin, Olovd Lvek: Oommereial edueation Ln secondary sebools. I^e^' Vol k: Oolt. 8°. 1 b 50 c. Lumkord. Oe>vis: Ibe slorx ok OtopLa. I^e^ Vork: Loui L Oiverrigbt. 8". 3 §. !-ordfi:aard. Martin Andrew: ^ bistorieal surve^ ok algebraie metbods ok approximatin^ tbe roots ok numerLeal KLZber eguations up to tbe ^ear 1810. I^evv Vorb: Oolumbia OnLv., Veaebers OolleZe. 8°. 1 §. 2 b 50 e. kvnr, 6barlv8 I.ane: Oravilation versus relativit^. ^ non-tecknieal ex- planslion ok tbe fundamental principles ok Zravitationäl aslronom^ ele. Xexv Verb: ?utnam. 8°. 2 ^ 50 e. mediate. Ke^v Vorlr: Me Ora>v-lliII. 8°. 3^. 8".' 1 § 25 e. K»s8vll Odarles: Ide improvement ok tbe eity elemenlar.v scbool teaeber in Service, dlexv Vork: Lolumbia Oniv., leacber's Lollege. 8°. 1 b 25 c. 8aliers. Karl ^dolpdus: Oepreciation, principles and appliealions. I^e^v Vorlc konalcl ?ress. 8°. 5 d- 8edneider. William k.: Ibe law ok xvorkmen's eompensation, rules ok procedure, tables. korms etc. 2 vols. 8t. Oouis, Mo.: Ibomas Oavv Ob. Co. 8'. 18 Z. ksvlnr lln>vard Crom>veII: Dke educational siLfnikieance ok tbe earl^ kederal land ordinanees. ^le^v Vorlr: Columbia Oniv., I'eaebers Col- iexe. 8°. 2 Z. 1 d. 75 e. Olivrs, William L.: ^ll «bout eokkee. Ne>v Vorb: Vea L Ookkee Irade dl. Co. 8«. 15 tz- Van O)kv, 1'aul: Catberine de Meduls. L vols. I^exv Vorlc 8erlbner 8". 0 d- West, Oeorgo M.:'8t. ^ndre^vs, klorida. Oistorieal notes upon 8t. ^ndi exvs and 8t. Andrews ba^. 8t. Andrews, kla.: Oauama Cltv Oub. Co. 8». 2 § 50 e. 8t. Andrews, l' la.: Oanama Cil> ?ub. Co. 8°. 2 H 50 c. Will, ^.Ilen 8inelair: luke ok Cardinal Oibbons, ^rebdlskop ok Oalti- niore. 2 vols. l^ew-Vorb: Outton. 8°. 10 H. WriAdt. I»an: Oanb credit and aZricullure. I^e>v Vorb: Mc Ora^v-Lll. I b w 0 ' neZie Inst, ok Wasb. 8". 3 tz 25 e. 8". 4^. ' ' ^ 6 ^ ^ppleton. 8°. 5 knxllscke Literstur. 8". 25 sb. ^2^sb. 6d"'^ orb. Oonclon. Munt, kexinald: I'be Iure ok old Cbelses. III. London: Mills L O 8». 5 sb. 0^.' Ä s'k. 6^d. I> I - 0 10 sb. 6 tl- Oavies. London : lecbnleal dournals. 4°. 210 sb. Oricbdale kleanor kortescue: Oolden boob ok kamous ^vomen. Lon don: Ooöder L 8t. 4°. 10 sb. 6 d. Oiillilev. M. k.: OiblioZrapbical survey ok contemporar^ sourees kor tbe eeonomie and social kistor^ ok tbe dr. London: Milkord. 8' 10 sb.^6 d. ^ ^ don^ Constable. 8°. 18 sb. London: Xppleton. 8°. 10 sb. 6 d. Cbaueo, O. Wasbinßton: Mereantile la^v. London : koyle. 8°. 12 sb. 6 cl. Cbristian. 6. LnZIisb eduealion krom >vitbLn. London: W. Oandv. 8°. 10 sb. 6 d. Coobe, d. Herbert: I'be velvet and corduro^ industrz'. London: ?it- man. 8». 3 sb. Cricbton, C. 11.: I'be lure ok old karis. III. London: Mills L O. 8* 5 sb. Oodxsov, Campbell: Contemporary Ln§Iisb xvoo<lcuts. Loudon: Ouob- >vortb. 2°. 42 sb. kricksen. kpbraim: Ibe psycboloZical and etbieal aspects ok Mormon I Zroup like. Cambridge: Cambridge Oniv.-Or. 8°. 8 sb. 6 d. ikinn, II.: Ike creatlon, kalt and deluZe. London: Marsball Lros 8«. 5 sb. I Kinne), koss L.: Causes and eures kor tbe social uurest. London: Mae- 1 millan. 8". 9 sb. Kord Ilenrx, and 8amuel Cra>vtber: M^ ILke and worb. London: Lei- I nemann. 8°. 12 sb. 6 d. Kosdieb. Harr)- kmerson: Cbristianity and proxress. London: Kisbet > 8". 6 sb. kullv^love, dobn. and Kd ward Ibomas: Oxkord. III. London: vlaeb l 8". 7 sb. 6 d. krost. dulins: Ibe pbenomena and pbilosopb> ok spiritualism. Lon don: Morland. 8°. 2 sb. 6 d. Oallowa)-, OeorZe: KeliZLoll and modern IbouZbt. London: Clarb 8". 8 sb. Oladstone, Luxb 8.: keeord ba^s and sbootinZ records. Londons Witberb^. 8°. 15 sb. > smobeless kuels. London: kilmsn. 8'. 3 sb. 6rew, 8^dne^: Our kavourile musicians. krom 8tankord to Loldroobe 1 London: koulLs. 8*. 6 sb.
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