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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 30.10.1924
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1924-10-30
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 30.10.1924
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-192410302
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-19241030
- Nutzungshinweis
- Freier Zugang - Rechte vorbehalten 1.0
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Urheberrechtsschutz 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1924
- Monat1924-10
- Tag1924-10-30
- Monat1924-10
- Jahr1924
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15084 vörsesdlart f. » Dtlchn. Vllchhavdrl. Bibliographischer Teil. 256. 30. Oktober 1924. Wm. Helburn, Ille. 418 ilisdison ^.ve. 4°.^ 20 H- Vol. 1. New Vork: Halvord Dub. Oo. 45 W. 45tb 8tr. 8° 15 Oavalla^k, William 8enr^: Oolonial expansion includiog tbe rise and kall ok bistorie settlemeuts. lloslon: DadZer. 8°. 2 P 50 c. Olose, 8tuart: Dbe ^nius ok komoeopatky. Deetures and essa^s on 2 ^ 50^c. Oolb^, Dranlc illoore: Dbe new international year dook. .4 com- pendium ok tbe world's propres kor 1923. New Vork: Dodd, Uead. 8°. 6 ^ 75 e. Oowdrieb, Ddward 8.: Manpower ill industr^. NewVorb: Holt. 8°. 3Z25e. , ^ ) ment ok du8ine88. New Vork: Drentiee-8all. 8". 5 P. Oraksm, illalbone W.: New Zovervments ok central Durope. NI. New Vork: Holt. 8°. 4 H- ^ o^ork: ^0raw-8iI4 30. 6 8r.mpkrex, Ldward Draulr: Nationalism and reliZion ill America. Dostoll: Obipman 4aw Dud. 60. 8°. .loknson, Kelvin ill.: Dbe be§innin§s ok kreemasonrz? in .America, con- taining a rekerenee to all tkat 18 known ok kreemasonr^ in tbe we8tern kemispkere prior to 1750 etc. NewVork: Doraa. 8°. 3 P 50 c. Kia^korn. 8uxk ill. D.: Hie eure ok pulmonary tubercu1o8i8 by re8l and exereiee. III. Doston: DadZer. 8°. 2 d 50 e. 4a 8eknm, Ddward D.: Dbe eleetrie motor truek. NewVork: II. D. 6. 6K Oo. 8°. 4 §- Dankers Drid. 60. 4°. 10 P. Nekk, Dmvr^: Oarlyle and ilkill, mMie and utilitarian. NewVorlr: Oolumbia Illliv. Dress. 8°. 2 H 25 e. New Vork: ^c 6raw-8ill. 8". 2 P 50 c. Dalmer, .Ulbert Wentwortk: Ibe kuman side ok Hawaii. 6aee Problems in tbe mid-Daeikie. 6o8ton: Dil^rim Dress. 8°. 2 H- Dasvolsli^, 4.60, and Harold 6. illoulton: Ru88ian debts and Russian reoonstruction. New Vork: Ille Oraw-8ill. 8°. 2 § 50 e. delpkia: Dippincott. 8°. 5 b- De)nolds, lidward, and vonald illacnmber: Dertilitx and sterilit^ in kuman msrriages. Dblladelpkia: 8aunders. 8°. 5 d- Divers, William 8alse: Locial or^aniLatioll. Dd bz^ W. 3. Derr^. New Vork: Xnopk. 8". 4 d- koosevelt. Ikeodore: Works (Memorial edition). 24 vol8. NewVork: 8eridner. 8". 240 b- Dress. 8". 2 d 50 e. Wei88, dokn III., and Okarles k. vowms: Ibe tecknical or§aniration, it8 «Zevelopment and admin^tration. New Vork: M 6raw-IIiU. 8°. 2 H 50 e. Ukerstrir kaker, 6rne8t Ibe public librarz^. III. London. 6rakton. 8°. 10 8b. 6 d. 6orde8. d. Van Walre de: Ibe ^U8trian crown, it8 depreeiatioll aod 8tadiliL3tion. 4-ondon: 6. 8. Kin^. 8". 15 8b. vroolre. Oeokkre^: Hor8e-sen86 aod bor8emall8bip ok to-daz^. 6conom^ and metbod in trainin^ bunter8 and polo-ponie8. London: 6on8table. 8°. 15 8k. (iampdell. 6arr^: 6untlamental prillciple8 in treatment. I^oadou: 6ailliere. 8°. 10 8k. 6 d. doker, William 6.: 17ie 6Iavariü8 ok tbe United 8tate8 and Oanada. London: Nilkord. 8°. 38 sb. — Hie 8aprol6§niacea6, witb note8 on otber water moId8. 6on6on: illilkord. 4°. 48 8k. I'oll^, 4'rallcij; ^.: Mountain elimbin^- 16- I»ndon: 4onA. 8". 10 8b. 6 d. (iowdr^. Ldmulld: Oeneral eytoloxy. OambridZe: dsmdr. Illliv. 6re88 8°. 41 8k. 6 d. Oea^b, O'illoore: ^utodioZrapky. Introd. a. note8 bx 8ir Lkarlea (iallwell. III. London: 6lulckin80ll. 8°. 24 8b. Narrow, kloz'd 4,.: ilka8ter8 ok 8cience and inventioll. 61. I^ondov: Obspmsn L 6. 8°. 10 8k. 6 6. I1aw8on, .7obn C.: Voulou86 ill tbe renai88anee. 4ondon: ^lilkord. 8". 11 8k. 6 d. o . ^ vrmkwater, ^okv. 8winburne, an e8timate. 4ondoll. Nent. L 14 8°. 16 8b.^ o^ doilei». III. lxmdon. Obapmai» 6eII, k. V. 4,.: Ltrnria and 6ome (IkirlwaU pries e8?^x 1923). 4ondon: k. 8. XinZ. 8°. 10 8b. 6 d. III. 4ondon: Dräne. 8°. 21 8b. 0 d' - ' .... ^ j'O ^ ' r b . I ' illasters, David: Ibe wovder8 ok 8LlvaZe. Witb 48 iU. krom pboto Dondon: Dane. 8°. 8 8b. 6 d. illill8. d. 8axon: Ibe pre§8 and communieation8 ok tbe empire. Dovdoll: 6oI1in8. 8". 16 8b. Newton, ^.rtknr Dereival: Ike univer8itie8 and edueational 8y8tem8 ok tbe 6riti8b empire. 4ondon: 6oIIin8. 8°. 16 8b. Oalilex, ^m)-: 6iII-towns ok tbe ?^rell668. III. Ix»lldon: I^onß. 8" 21 8b. 1908^1910. 2 vol8. Dondon: .VliUord. 4° 168 8b. MIkord. ^.^14 8b."^ 0o ^ 48^8b. 8tonv, 6. Herbert: Ike 8tones ok 8tonebell8e, a kull de8criptioo ok tbe 8trueture and ok it8 ontworli8. III. 6. 8eott. 4°. 21 8d. 8)mons, .4 ^.: ^ bib1io§rapb>- ok tbe kir8t edition8 ok dooks bv William Dotier Veat8. Ixrndon: 6ir8t Ddition 61ub. 8°. 7 8k. 6 d. ^axore, kabindranatk: Ibe enrse at karewell. 'Irans!, by Ddward 1bomp80N. Dondon: Ilarrap. 8". 3 sb. 6 6. Ward. 8. ill.: ^n interpretation ok our ma80nie Symbols. Dondon: 4ewis. 8°. 75 8k. 6 d. Verburv. 6. k.: Old dome8tie srekitecture ok DoIIalld. 6eing a series ok pbotoZr. tbe editor. 4.ondon: ^rebiteetural Dress. 4°. 25 sb. ^rsnröslrsÄie l-tterstnr. .4xlae, )llle: (Oomedievne, conrtisane et kemmo de bien.) »lemoirss. III. Daris: Giebel. 8». 12 Dr. ^ndrs. Daul: I^a vision et I'expression plastigue. Daris: 6. Obiroa. b°- Dr. eieuses, metal precienx. Daris: Drnest Oründ. 8". 15 Dr. Kelloit-Den, O.: OottaZes rustiques. Daris: Bassin L Oie. 4'. 40 Dr. Donasse, 8.: Iloules, rides, seiebes et marees. Daris: Delagrave. 8°. 34 Dr. Oaillaux. dosepk: Oü va la Dranee? Oü va I'Durope? Daris: Ores. 8". 7 Dr. 50 e. Delakrousse, 4ueien: dosepl >ka§vin et son temps (1924—1910). 1. 2. Daris: D. ^Ican. 8°. 8 Dr. 40 c. Desanxes, Dsul. et 4-ue Hlerixa: Vie de danres. Daris: Orös. 8°. 7 Dr. 50 e. de la 8oe. du Decneil 8ire^. 8°. 8 Dr. 40 e. Dubreuil, 8.: I^a rdpubliciue industrielle. Daris: Dikl^e d'dducation 15 6ue de OIun^. 8°. 7 Dr. Duval, Dierre, et autres: ötudes medico-radio-cbirur^ieales sur le duodenum. Daris: Nasson L Oie. 8°. 35 Dr. Daure. Dlie: Napoleon. Daris: Orös. 8°. 27 Dr. 20 Dr^ ' s t s §u p i 15 Dr. o ^
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