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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 17.06.1921
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1921-06-17
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 17.06.1921
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-192106170
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-19210617
- Nutzungshinweis
- Freier Zugang - Rechte vorbehalten 1.0
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Urheberrechtsschutz 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1921
- Monat1921-06
- Tag1921-06-17
- Monat1921-06
- Jahr1921
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139, 17. J»„i 1821. Biblwgiaphllchrr LrU. «»rfn,»lal, ,. «. Dischn, »»ch»»n»rl. SLÜ1 kncilieueue Neuigkeiten Ue: ullüSuliiiciieu kuciitinnllel!. Mtzeieilt von ^sbsr L Lo. Lu Koriin ^V. 8.) ^wer1ks»l8cke lllerslrrr. Andrews, Itlattdew Dazs: American bistorx and ZovernmenD Dbila- delpbia: Dippincott. 8°. 2 H. üaldwin, Lird Uromas a. o.: Ltudies in experimental oducation. Baltimore: d. Hopkins Dress. 8°. 1 d 25 c. varrowclikk, Ll., and Draneis ll. Oarr: Or^anic medicinal cbemicals (sxntbetic and natural). New Vork: Van Nostrand. 8". 4 H. Obica^o: ^m. Decbnical Locietx- 8". 2 kurßvss, (Barles Drederick, a. o.: Applied electrocbemistrx and Metallurg. Obicaso: ^m. Vecbnical Kocietx- 8". 2 ^ 50 c. (lark, dodn dessv: Vbe slide rule and loZaritbmic tables including a ten-plaee tad. ok loxaritbms. Obicago: D. d. Drake. 8". 2 P- Lotter, Grundel: Onited 8tates Steel, a Corporation witb a soul. New Vork: Doubledax, Da^e. 8°. 3 Van Westrand. 8". 3 P 50 e. Lllvdßv, Darvex Oerald, and ^.lice Ducille ^Vakekield: 'Dbe conser- vation ok textiles. III. Da 8aUe, Ili.: Daundrx owners national ^ssn. 8". 1 Z. Oorv, I. koxers: l'be boxbood ok ^brabam Dincoln krom tbe spoken narratives ok Austin Oollaber. lll. Indianopolis: kobbs-^lerrill. 8«. 2 P 50 c. Dbe Lbemical Dub. Lo. 8°. 4 P- Dölmes, ^rtur: Dbe nomenclature ok petrolo^x; witb rekerenees to seleeted literature. New Vork: Van Nostrand. 8". 3 H 50 c. Hopkins, k. Hrurston: kiplinZ's 8uss6x. New Vork: ^ppleton. 8°. 3 d 50 o. dacods, kredvric kurndam: Lam desissn and manukacture, witb 87 ill. New Vork: Van Nostrand. 8°. 2 H. Vork: ^acmillan. 8°. 3 ^lcLaleb, kalter Flavins: l'be publie kinances; under tbe auspices ok tbe Dobenx Foundation. New Vork: llarper. 2 P 50 c. kusseU, Darrv Duman, and kdwin Oeorxv llastinßs: ^ßriculture bacterioloxx kor students in General aZrieulture. New Vork: Lenturx Lo. 8°. 2 P 15 c. Donald Dress. 8". 2 P. llaroourt, krace L Lo. 8°. 4 tz. Lkic'aZo: ^m. Vecbnical 8ocietx- 8". 3 d- LaxLIscde llleratar. Administration, Dbe, ok Ireland bx l. O. Dondon: Dbilip ^llan. 8°. 25 sb. § b d 8 ll 15 k 80^^8^60(1^ ^ b ^ vlair, 8ir David Dunter, kt.: dobn Datriek, tbird mar^uess ok kute, L. '1. 1847—1900. ^ memoir. Dondon: Nlurray. 8". 18 sb. lilomkield, 8ir kexinald: ^ kistor^ ok kreneb arebiteeture krom tbe deatb ok klaZarin tili tbe deatb ok Douis XV. 2 vols. Dondon: Dell. 8«. 84 sb. IZourvbier, L. 8.: ^ sbort bistory ok Hmtioeb, 300 L. 6. — D. 1268. Oxkord: Llaekwell. 8". 12 sb. 6 d. 8o>le's 6ourt ^uide kor ^1a^ 1921 (258td edit.). Dondon: 8outb Xudle^ str. >V. 10 sb. 6 d. vra^sbaw, Neave: l'be Quäkers, tbeir stor^ and messsZe. llsr- roxate: ll. Davis. 8°. 2 sb. 6 d. Ilrown, ^.rnesb)': Vbe work ok. ^Vitb a koreword b^ D. Laldr^- Dondon: Vbe 8tudio. 4". 7 sb. 6 d. r'ataloxue, Vke, enZlisb ok books 1920. (84tb i8sue.) Dondon: Dubl. Direular. 8°. 15 sb. t'bisbolm, ^rebibald: Dabours >1a§na Obarta. ^ eritieal stud^ ok tbe labour elauses ok tbe ?eaee Vreat^ ete. Dondon: Don^mans. 8". 8 sb. 6 d. ('ollins, damos D.: Ltrai^bt business in 8outb America. Dondon: ^ppleton. 8°. 12 sb. 6 d. Drile, Oeorxe ^V.: ^ pb^sieal interpretation ok skoek, exbaustion and restoration. Dd. b)7 ^m^ k'. llowland. Dondon: k'rowde llodder L 8t. 8°. 25 sb. Dunninx, William ^rebidald: kistorx ok polltiesl tkeories. k'rom lioussesu to 8peneer. Dondon: ^kaemillsn. 8°. 21 sb. Dusebinsk)', 6.: Vbe rabbinate ok tbe Zrest synsgoxue Dondon krom 1756—1842. Dondon: ^kilkord. 8". 12 sb. 6 d. kinvrt, Uarxaret: Vbe rbytkmie danee book. Dondon: Don^mans. 8°. 4 sb. 6 d. >Vesle>. 8°. 6 sb. Danddook, ok tbe Len^a Dolony (8rit. Last ^.kriea) and tbe rlen^a Droteetorate (?roteetorate ok Aanribar). Dondon: 11. 8tationer^ Okkiee. Okkiee. Dorwood, k.: Lritisb wild klowers in tbeir natural baunts. ^itb plates in eolour krom drawinxs b^ l. N. kiteb. Vol. 5. 6. bondon: Oreskam ?ubl. 6o. 4". de 12 sb. 6 d. Dumpbrex, dobn: DruZs in commerce, tbeir sources, preparation kor tbe market and description. Dondon: ?itman. 8". 3 sb. ber drawinßs and a note b^ ?rok. Denr^ Vonks and introduct. d> l. Derb^. bondon: d. Dane. 8°. 21 sb. dobuston, Llarx: 8weet liocket. Dondon: Oonstable. 8°. 7 sb. 6 d. perils. Ouernse^: dobn Oair. Dondon: I. D. Lennett. 8^. 6 sb. Lvadlo, ködert: 8imon called ?eter. Dondon: Oonstable. M. 8 sb. ^6 d. x. ^ ^ t t' tb l k ' t d d k ^"8b.^^o^^o^^^b8' ibeir plannms and kittr §s. kvarson, Karl: 8ideli8bts on tbe evolution ok man. OambridZe: Dniv. Dress. 8°. 3 sb. Dondon: d. Dane. 8". 10 sb. 6 d. 12 sk.^6^0^ o ^ a o o x Keed, k. 6.: Vbe ßeoloxx ok tbe öritisb kmpire. Dondon: Arnold. 8". 40 sb. kritisb Museum. Dart 3: Dn^lisb 1300—1350. Dondon: Lrit. 8 sb. 6 d. ton. 8". 10 sb. 6 d. spaldinx, >ViIUam: Vbe kunctions ok money. Dondon: Ditwan. 8°. 7 sb. 6 d. 8tsel, Dolonel I. ?.: ^ memoir ok Dt. Lol. Ddward ^ntbony 8teel 1800—1919. LonsistivA cbiekl^ ok bis letters and diaries. Don don: 8impkin, ^karsball. 8". 6 sb. 8toek Lxcdanxo Okkicial intellixence, Ibe, 1921. Dondon: 8pottis- woode, llallantyne. 8". 80 sb. 8wane)', 8.: Zakeßuards ok liberty or liberty protected l>x laws. Dondon: Oxkord Oniv. Dress. 8°. 10 sb. 6 d. 8weden, Lrown Drincess ok: ln our klower ßarden. Drepared Dlora Nbnckn ann. Dondo Oirls Daper Ok lawne), k. H.: lbe acciuisitive societ^. Dondon: Dell. 8°. 4 sb. 6 d. Venadle, Drancis D.: ^ driek sccount ok radio-activity. Dondon: llarrsp. 8". 3 sb. 6 d. VV. kitckie. Dondon: llsrrap. 8". 10 sb. 6 d. »'illiams, ködert: Dke new labour Outlook. Dondon: Darsons. 8°. 4 sb. 6 d. Vear book, Okkicial, ok tbe commonwealtb ok ^ustralia contsininss autkoritative statistics kor tbe period 1901—1919. Drepared by 0. D. Xnibbs. Melbourne: I. ^kullett. 8°. VV. D. Dawson. Dondon: Dell. 8°. 15 sb. Vear dook, Vbe, Dublic Lckools, kor 1921. Kd. bx H. D. ^V. Deane L UV. Dulkelex kvans. Dondon: Vear Dook Dress. 8°. 10 sb. 6 d. t t d ttl D d 0 11 8" ^25"sb. VramSsIsrlie llleratar. ^lsatia. 8°. 2 Dr. 75 c. kadulesco, ^V.: De prslövement sur le Capital comme moxon de liquidstion des cdsr^es kinanci^res de la Auerre en ^llema^ne. Daris: Oiard. 8". 4 Dr. karre, k.: kiements d'SIectrotecbnic>ue ^nerale. Daris: Obiron. 8". 36 kr. 814*
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