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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 03.12.1920
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1920-12-03
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 03.12.1920
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-192012033
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-19201203
- Nutzungshinweis
- Freier Zugang - Rechte vorbehalten 1.0
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Urheberrechtsschutz 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1920
- Monat1920-12
- Tag1920-12-03
- Monat1920-12
- Jahr1920
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14622 v»d«Mat1 s. tz. »rschn. Vuchhandd. Bikliographtscher Teil. X: 273. 3. Dezember 1920. encuieaeoe Neulgtielleii au aunaoamiieii Liicallaiiae^ ^Klit^vlvilt voll X. ^skvr L Oo. ill övrltll 8.) ^nrer1ksnl8<de Literatur. kedau, Kiedaid 7vsepd: pain, its origini, cvnduction, peiception, and diagnostic signiticance. Witk 191 ill. I^lew Vork: ^ppieton. 8". 11 ^E'ck. ^ d L, re- ^jbrarx ^8. Kapers .eluteä to tke »ock ^Vilson (.'o. 8". 3 §. 1 §^60 c. 8 1k 1 I l tk 16tk 1 § 7^ e. ^0 ^ ^ ä t 1 1 ^ Vork: ^ppleton. 8°. 2 § 50 c. O. Walmslex- Lirksville, ^lo.: danisck Look Oo. 8°. 3 § 50 c. Howells, TVilliam Dean: Ike vacation ok tke Xel^vxns. ^n idxl ok tke middle eigkteen-seventies, l^ew Vork: Ilarper. 8°. koman. 2 5. dodnson, TVillis Lletvder: ttistorx ok 1k« kspuklioan partx. klow Vork: Oentnrx Historx 60. 8°. 60 e. Lafa^vtle Llxinx Oorps. l'ke. Ld. kx .lames Norman Hall, Oksries vernarb k^ordkokk and kldgar O. Hamilton. koston: Hougkton, IVlikk- lin. 4°. 15 §. pkillips, ödester ^.rtkur: Dank credit. ^ studx on tke principles and kactors underlxing sd>snces made kx ksnks io korro^ers. ^lew Vork: ^kaemillan. 8^ 4 §. like io America. k§ew Vork: Scrikner. 8°. 3 § 50 e. 8kerdondx, L. tt., and 6. vouxlas TVsrdrop: l'extbook ok sero engines. klevv Vork: Stokes. 4°. 10 §. 8parxo, 7odn: l'ke greatest ksilure in alll kistorx. ^ criticsl examina- Harper. 8". 2 § 50 c. Vork: Libertx Historx 60. 8°. 60 c. Littls. kro^-n. 8°. 2 § 50 e. TVoodkoose. 8enr>: l'extbook ok serial lawz and regulations kor serial Navigation, internstionsl. national and municipsl. civil and militarx- ktew Vork: Stokes. 4°. 8 §. - LnxUscde I-Ilerstnr. 8el^-xri L kloulli. 8". 4 8k. 6 6. »kartimeus«: Lnreslitx. London: Oassell. 8°. koman. 8 8k. 6 <1. vesant, ^nnie: lke war and iis lessons. konäon: l^vosopk. ?udl. tkouse. 8". 4 sk. L I7llwill. 8°. 16 sk. - <1ot, ^.mbroi3e: ^ke case ok M88 Oavell. Lrom ike unpukl. Oocu- mellig ok 1k« irial, ik« properix ok s kormer eommi88«rx ok ike Oerman ßoveriuneni. I»ll6on: Hocl6er L Sloußsklon. 8". 12 8k. 6 6. H publ ^0^8°. lO^sli. 6^ä. ^ lloxartk, v. O.: ttiiiiie 8«al8. VViik rekerence io ike ^kmolesn Col lection. Oxkorä: OIaren6on Press. 4°. 73 sk. 8ka<1>v6l1. Wiik ike I-atin iexi. Oxkor6: vlaclovell. 8°. 7 sk. 6 6. — Icarian klUskis. prsnslstions ok soms ok ike cxkes. k.v Lrancis Louits and ^Valter Hsrries Pollock. London: Lsne. 8". 6 sk. 6 d. 7«nes, l'. H., and 7. D. Lrier: ^eroplsne and structorsl ^esi^n. Lon don: piiman. 8°. 21 sk. .lournal. I^e illiernaiionsl, ok ps^cko-anslxsis. Lireeted kv prokessor preud. Ld. ky Lrnest dones. Vol. 1. p. 1. London: Internat, psxeko-analxsis press. 4°. diinson. 8". lk »b. ' - ^ Lsindlev, Lstkleen: 17ie teacdinss »nd culbivation ok ike prenck lan^ua^e in Ln§land during pudor and Ltusrt iimes. VVitk an press. 8'. 44 sk. , i^nek, vokun: porZotten realms. London: OoUins. 8°. koman. 9 sk l^lasterman, L. O.: pke new Udersksm. London: parsons. 8°. ^ 7 sk. 6^d. n ^^ ^ ^ ^ Oppenkeim, L.: International law. ^ treatise. 3. ed. Vol. 1. Peace. Ld. bx lionald p. koxdnr^k. London: Lon^mans. 8°. 36 sk. perrot. VVrixkt, and L. L. 6. kadxer: 44ie prsciioe ok railwsx sur- 12 sk. 6 d. Lrisiol: ^rrovvsmitk. 4°. 52 sk. 6 d. kie ards, 8 o an kitkeräon, ködert: Lues and pori ckar^es on skippinx in koreixn and colonial ports. 16. ed. 2 vols. London: pkilip. 8". 60 sk. kokinson, 6.: 14ie like ok Okrist. III. in coliour dx Lrank 0. 8alisk>urx. 21 sln^ ^ ^ ' 8lo88en^ Ldwill L.. Lasx lessons ,n Linstein. London, koutledxe. London: l)«nt. 8". 8 sk. 6 d. kx pl. L. kutler. Oxkord: klsckwell. 8°. 12 sk. 12 sk. 6 d. ' . Vinoxradokk, 8ir Paul: Outlines ok kistoricsl jurisprudence. Vol. 1. Introd. I'ribal law. Oxkord: Onivsrsitx press. 8°. 21 sk. krsnröslsclie Uterstnr. 4 oct. ISI4). " ^ 1'. 3: 1917. Paris: perrin. 8°. 7 kr. lsrs. 8°. 22 kr. 50 0. Voecard. 8°. 9 kr. vestainx, L.: Ltudo s-ur !a packelkit du 8oüs. p. 1: Voeakulsire kran- ^ais^berdere. Paris: Leroux. 8°. Oieudonne, ködert: La vedette. koman. Paris: Ldlt. kr. ill. 8". 5 kr. 50 c. Dupoux, ^uxuste: peckeurs Kretons. Paris: koccard. 8°. 6 kr. 75 c. Ldalin. Alexandre: La revolution russs par un temoin. Paris: ke- vue contemp. 8°. 3 kr. Larixonle, Louis: La vision extra-retinienne et le sens paroptique keckerckes de psxcko-pkxsiolo^is experimentale. Paris: l^ouv. .-evue krany. 8°. 10 kr. Kats. Paris: 8aA0t. 8°. 10 kr. L'Lclition. 8°. 12 kr. 5o8se. Pierre: La Prorogation des kaux. Ltude tk4or. et prat. de legislat. et de jui-isprud. Paris: 8sgot. 8°. 12 kr. Lauranne, 8tepdane: Les kommes que j'ai vus. 8ouvenirs d'un jour- naliste. Paris: p»x«rd. 8". 6 kr. 50 e. ^aeOrlan. Pierre: ^ Kord de »I'etoile matntine«. ^Vvec de« gravure«
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