x° 152, 3. Juli 1S23. Bibliographischer Teil. Börsenblatt f. d. Dtschn. Buchhandel. 5105 Carl Wintcr's Univ.-Buchh. in Heidelberg. 5114 Reiträge rur Rkilosopbie. 9. Wolk: Versuch einer Cescbicbte des Ceniebegrikks in der deutschen ^estbetik des 18. dabrb. 1. Rd. Or. 4,4. 10. Ros: Kritische Studien über die philologische kletbode. Or. 3,2. I. lll. 6. diricrek: Lpecimens ok Ludor trnilslntions krom tlie classics. Kart. 62. 5. — der Kriminalistik. 3. /utt. 0o/^10, ge/ox/lZ.^^ 8 25. Hekt. v. Ltakl: Kaukasus. 62. 3. Krappe: l'he legend ok Rodrick Inst ok Visigeth Kings und tbe Lrmanaricb cycle. 6r. 2. v. Raucbbaupt: Cescbickte der spanischen Oesetresciuellen. 62. 12. l'öbelmann: Römische Oebälke. 1. 44. In klappe 62. 25. kmülMiie lleuMelteii üe; mlgnöllclien Luclilulmlel!. (Klitgeteilt von ^.sber L 60. In Rerlin KV. 8.) kmerlksiUsclie lllerslvr. Cart, Carrie Cbaxinan, and Kettie Rogers 8buler: Woman sukkrage and politics. l'he inner story ok tlie sukkrage movement. Re>v » Vork: Scribner. 8". 3 ij>. ^ ^ Rress^ ^50^c! Cooper, Samuel Ulbert: l^vo days and a night in America. Loston: Roxburgh. 8°. 1 P 25 c. Lielding, William .lohn: Health and sellk-mastery thru psycbo-ana- lysis and autosuggestion. Loston: Lotbrop. 8". 2 Ilaskell, 8idney L.: Lärm kertility. Kiew Vork: Ilarper. 8°. 1 b 50 c. sKarper's dülläboolcs oä, by 6. O'Lano.) Klaatscb, llerman: l'he evolution and progress ok mankind. Re>v Vork: Stokes. 8». 8 P 50 c. klarguis, Ikon (Donald Robert Rerry): l'he cruise ok the dasper 6. kle^v Vork: ^ppleton. 8". 2 d-, Klarguis, Samuel 8.: Henry Lord, an Interpretation. Loston: Little, Lixnvn. 8». 2 H 50 c. Kloodie, Rov Lee: l'he antiquity ok disease. Chicago: Idniv. ok Chicago Rress. 8". 1 ^ 50 c. Xeilson, Lrancis: Duty to civiliration. lle>v Vork: Ruebsck. 8°. 1 §- - Ward. k. .4..: l'he bank agricultural department. I4e^v Vork: Lankers Rubi. 60. 8°. 1 P 25 c. Weatber^ax. Raul: l'he story ok the maire plant. III. Chicago: Idniv. ok Chicago Rress. 8". 1 P ?5 c. ^ L.' 8'^^sb.^^ (Oikkord lectures). Idniv. ok OlasKo^v 1900/1, 1901/2. Vol. II, Lon don: klaclebose. 8". 12 sh. 6 d. Cambridge aneient bistory, Ibe. Ldit. by d. D. Rury and otbers. Vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Idniv. Rress. 8°. 35 sb. Coruish, Vaugban: l'he great capitals. ^4n bistorical geography. London: kletbuen. 8°. 12 sb. 6 d. 8°'. 2 sb. 6d. stäble. 8°. 8 sh. 6 d. 8. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , k .l ' L l' Arnold. 8°. 39 sh. > > ^ I ^ ^ ^ > -««VlL Loot, Constance KL: In and around London. III. >vith dra^vings by 8. Lorrest and photograpds. London: dack. 8°. 6 sh. Oordon, Knyvett: Raematology in general practice. London: Lailliöre. 8°. 5 sh. Oostlang. Lrances KI.: l'he Iure ok Lrencb cbateaux. Witk 8 ill. Lon don: Mlls L L. 8°. 5 sh. 8°. 4 sh. 6 d orten, Robert ^ ^ m>stica quest 0 lrist. ondon. dackson, Herbert d.: Luropean Hand kirearms ok the 16th und 17th centuris. With a treatise on Scottish Hand kirearms by Charles L. Whitela^v. London: R. Lee Warner. 4°. 84 sh. mes, c e . oiy klilkord. 8°. 42 sh. Larrap. 8°. 63 sh. 8°. 'l6 sh. ^llen L Id. 8°. 3 sh. 6 d. ^//sh.' 6^°' b R"uwlas ok Luiope. London. Country like. (Oonntr^ liks lidr.) kledieal annual, Ibe. 1923. ^4 year book ok treatment and practi- tioner's index. London: Simpkin. 8°. 20 sh. klitcbell, W. C., and others: l'he Stabilisation ok business. London: Nacmillan. 8°. 12 sb. kluir, Ramsay: Rolitics and progress. ^4 survey ok tbe Problems ok to-day. London: kletbuen. 8". 3 sb. 6 d. Xeedbam. Raymond W.: Income tax. Lnactments and regulations 1918—1922. London: Oee L Co. 8°. 16 sb. Cambridge Idniv. Rress. 8^ 25 sb. Seligman, V. d.: Oxkord oddities. London: ^4llen L Id. 8°. 6 sb. Sutro, Lstber: kdicolas Roussin. London: Cape. 8". 6 sk. Rbilpot. 8°. 3 sb. 6 d. . Dent. 8°. 3 sh. 6 d 8°^ 6 sb. " ^ 3 >s o krsuröslrsSre lllerstor klasson. 8°. 50 Lr. klouv. libr. nat. 8°. 10 Lr. loyer. Lyon: Deprelle. 8°. 20 Lr. Kloraneö. 4°. 50 Lr. Raris: kkasson. 8". 20 Lr. vloeb, Rügens: Les' pbenomönes tbermioniques. Raris: Rresses universit. de Lrance. 8°. 10 Lr. Rlondel, Klaurice: Leon Olle-Laprune, l'acbövement et l'avenir de son oeuvre. Raris: Lloud L Oay. 8". 10 Lr. Rourgin. 8ubert: Les systömes socialistes. Raris: Doin. 8". 14 Lr 683