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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 25.10.1852
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1852-10-25
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 25.10.1852
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-185210253
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18521025
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1852
- Monat1852-10
- Tag1852-10-25
- Monat1852-10
- Jahr1852
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1587 1852.^ Msi.) Liumals, Illusiraikä Looks eto. k»r 1853. II>o 5'ermou on tim it/ouuL Illuminated i» 6olä and Oolours, in tbe klissal stxle. L kiev kditiou j„ k, «maller sire; wilb an entirelx new «et ok Illuminations and Orna ment«. Square 18mo. In tim Lutumn. Äemor'rs, Lourual and Oorrespoudoues ok L/romas LLoore. vdited bx tlis vi^bt Hon. LordLoLuL?«ssekL Witb kortraits and Vig nette Illuslrat. Vols. I. snd ll. nearlx resdx- L/romas 1/oore'.-> LoeO'cak IVor/rs. Ibe birst Oolleeted Ldilion; witl» tlie Lutobiograpbi- eal krekaees and kiotes, kortrait, and 19 klates. L vepublioation in 10 klontblx Vo- lumes, kep. 8vo. eacb (Vol. I. on No vember 1) ord. 3 s. 6 d. LsAeuds ok tbe Uudonus as represented in tbe kine Lrts. korming tlis Ikird Serie« ok 8avrsd and Lexeodarx Lrt. vx LIrs. Ia- meson. Square crown 8vo.—In tbe Lutum». Uoore's Latt« LooLL.- an Oriental vomanee. ^ New kdition, 8vo. illustrated will, 13 kngrsvings ünisbed in tks kickest stxle ok tbe^rt. Square erown 8vo. vlotb ord. 15 s. . Uorocoo ord. 1 .k 8 s. §M/<oks and Lmü/enrs ok Lor/A and ILedroe- va/ O/rrrsO'au Lrt. 93 Klebings, krom Sub jets in tbo Oataoombs okvome, Klossivs, Seulptures, kainted 6lÄ88,snd Illuminsted IMS. vbronologivallx arrsnged, witb ve- scriplive letterirress. vx Louisa Iwining. vox»> 4to. ord. 1 L 11 s, 6 d. Ibe Lr/s and L/irsttes ok Lt. Laut. vx tbe kev. W. ,1. Oonxbesre, and tbe kev. .1. 8. Ilowson. Witk verx numerous Illustration« on sleel and wood bx W. II. vartlstt; and bx klaps, Obarts, Woodout« ok Ooins, eto. 2 vols. 4to. kkearlx readx. Ilm Oourt Ltöum, or Look ok keautx kor 1853. L Serie« ok vbarming kortraits ok tbe xoung kemale kkokilitx, krom vrawings kx dokn Harter, and otber eminent Lrtisls. 4to. rivbly gilt. ord. 1 L 1 s. Oolourod ord. 2 E 2 s. Ibe /keepsa/ce kor 1853. kdited bx kliss kl. L. kower (lad)- LIessington's klisee), as- sistvd bx tbe most populär writers oktbe da>. veautikullx illustrated under tko superinten- denes ok KIr. krederiok Ileatb. lioyal 8vo. ord. 1 E 1 s. — India prooks, morovvo ord. 2 L12 s. 6 d. Ibo Oomrc L/muuoeL kor 1853- Illustrated I>x Osorgv Oruiksbank. Witb large eo- loured krontispieee, and numerous otber Illustration«, kep. 8vo. ord. 2 s. 6 d. //-perron.- g vomanee. I!)' II. W. longkollov. LeautikuII^ illustrated dx Ilirbot b'ostvr, krom vravvinK« mad durinx a lour in 1852, in Oerman^, Swilrorland and tbe l^rol. Orown 8vo. elotb ord. 1 L 1 s. üloroeeo ord. 1 L 10 s. k/errrs kor tbe Drawk»r/-1»oo>/r,- oom>u isinA eo- loured IlrarviuAS ok Limit, Llovvers, and birds, variouslx tzrouped, printod in 6old, vvitl, ornamental 6old Lordvrs. 'I'be llravv- inxs b^ ?aul lerrard; tbe koetr^ b^ L. W. La^Io^. 4 Looks, kolio, esob ord. 1 6 11 s. 6 d. Leeok/eekkons ok » Lttar in >bo/»rrrart /skarrds, Sreeoe, and Oo»skarr<rrrv/r/e. Ilenr^ Look. Lolio. ord. 6 L 6 s. 1/eko/ Wor/r, and its >krtrEe Deskr/rr. 8^ KI. vi^b^ Wzalt, Lrobileot. llnikorm in sire will, "I'be Industrial Lrts ok tbe kkineteentb Osntur^." 50 kull^ eoloured klates, illu- stratinA somo bundred speoimens ok tbe most sdmirsble relies ok Ibo Niddlo L^es, and ok tbo keriod ok Ibo lienaissanco. Lolio, bound ord. 6 E 6 s. Ibo Ar'asses ok 1VaiV/iamp<rrrrs/rr>e. keduood to Scale krom tbe "IlubbinAs" in possessio» ok tbo Lutbor, and enAraved in tinted litbo- Krapb^ and bronre, so as to be kao-similes ok tbo orixinsl«. Ly kranklin Hudson. 1 vol. 80 klates and vesoriptions, 4to. elotb. ord. 4^4«. S'krrdres, and ?r'ek»res-.«e, inLrrrqos and its /VerV/HLvur- Lood. .1. L. WarinA, kl. II. I. 8. L., Lutbor ok "Lrebitsetural Lrt in Ital^ and Spsin"Orixinsl vosiKns kor Oivio Lr- ebiteeture, eto. 40 klates, kolio ord. 5^5«. ?>esL OrscoVerres ak Kmer-eL, and Lesear- eLes ak La-A/o». kv Ikenr;' L. I.avard, 0. 6. l. Witb numerous plstes and vvoodeuts. 2 vols. 8vo. In tbe kress. ///ASkrakro-is ok tbe §e«//-kures, Lases, and Lronres reeentl) disoovered b^ klr. Laz,- ai dl ak iVr>reve/r. 70 klates, kolio. ln tbe kross. l>18. -— Lisber'« Vravrinx - 8oo»> 8crap- 8ook will not be publisbod tbis ^ear. London. IioiiKinai», Ikrovv«, litrveir «k l!o. U oliil l!« « Looks LäLpieä kor kkristwLS kressnis. 1/oore's 1-rs/r Äe/o<kres. Illustrated b^ I)' klaelise, li. L. Will» 161 vesi^ns, an" tbe vvbolv ok tbe Letter-press enZrave^ on Steel bx k. k. Leeker. kkevv s»4 obeaper Ldition. Super-roz al 8., i" elotb, 1 6 11 s. 6 d.; mornooo 2 L 12 s. 6 d. §enk«»re»tks and L'rmr'kes ok L Olsssilisd Soleetion ok Simile«, Oelinitions, vesoriptions. Witb an olaboratelx illumi- nated vorder in tbe obaravtoristio st^ls ok tbo Wrabvtban pvriod, and otber oin- bellisbmonts bx llonrx bioel vumpbrex«. Lnund in verx massive oarved and pierood eovers. Square post 8. 21 «- L^ries ok tbe and otber koems. 8x Llario L. Watts. Square ero» » 8. 31 s. 6 d. bosrds, or 45 s. moroceo. Le</e»ds ok tbo Äorrssrre Orders, ss > epro- sonted in tbe Line Lrts. Loriniux tbe Soeond Serie« ok „Ssered and leAendarx Lrt." Lx KIrs. dsmeso». Seeond Lditio» (1852). 8q. erovvn 8. 28 s. elotb. SÄereck and LeAerrdsr», /lr</ or, lexends ok tbe 8sints and klartxrs. vx klr«. lameson. birst Series. Seeond Ldition. Square erovvn 8. 28 «. elotb. -SO- LvAer 1-e Oover/ez,. b'rom tl>e Speota- tor. Witb kiotes and »lustrations, bx W. Ilenrx Will«; and Iwelvo iinv Wood Lnzravinxs, bx lobn Iboiupso», krom vesi^ns bx krederiek laxier. Orovvn 8- 15 «. board«; or 27 s. bound in moroceo, bx Ilaxdax. >1 Lecorck ok tbe ö/«e/r L/ Oree. In « rieb oarved and pieroed bindinN, privv 21s. LVvroers an tkvir /Orrdred .- a Serie« ok Stanras. vx klarx Lnns vseon. Illu- strated and printvd in Oolour« bx Oiven lones. Imperial 8. pries 31 s. 6 d. ole- gantlx bound. L>Arks krom tbe tHrderr and tbo b«e/d. L Series ok Stanrss. vx klarx Lnno kaoo», Lutkoress ok „WinZed 'kbouxbls." Witb Illustralions bx Owen lones. Imperial 8- pries 31 s. 6 d. ele^sntlx bound in vslk. IkOrqed //,/.?.- s Serie» ok koems. vx klarx Lnno vacon. Witk Illustrations bx 0>ven lones. Imperial 8. prico 31 s. 6 d. ele§antlx bound in oalk. Ora^'s LkeAz,, vvritten in a Oountrx Obureli- X»rd. Illuminsted in tbe klisssl Stxlo bx Oneo lones, Lrebitect. Inipsrial 8. prioe 1 L 11 s. 6 d. eleKsntlx bound. Ibo b'rom tbe llo>x Serip- tures. I'be Illumination« exveutvd I>x Ilenrx bloel Oumpbrex«. Square kc>>. 8. pries 21 s. in deeplx empossed leatliern eovers. and ?rece/ds ok tbe Square kcp. 8. pries 21 s. rieklx bound in stam- ped oalk; or, 30 s. in moroeeo. Ibe LarrrLkes ok Our Lord. Square kep. 8. in massive oarved eovers, pries 21 «. Ibe Mrrrckes ok Our Lord, ln a rieb var- ved bindinA (s kao-similo ok a maxnilicent ivorx eovsr to s Ilns SIS. »k tlis Oospels in tbe kritisk kluseum), priee 21 a- Ibe Oood krom tbe Soripture« — 2 kkinxs, vliap. IV. vv. 8- to37. Witli Six oriZinal vesi^n« bx L. Klein, and an ornamental vorder In eavb kaxe, in tbe klissal «txle, printed in eolour« and 6old bx Lewis Kruner. Square kep. 8. in mas sive earved eovers, 21 s. klr. 1/ucaukrr^'s Loi/s ok Eueren« Lorne. Witk numerous Illustrstions, Original and
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