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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 09.05.1864
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1864-05-09
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 09.05.1864
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-186405096
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18640509
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1864
- Monat1864-05
- Tag1864-05-09
- Monat1864-05
- Jahr1864
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61, 9. Mai. Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel. 981 Osd)^, m^ stepkatker's kome. 3 Vol«. kost 8. Oondon, Hurst L X Olotk 31 s. 6 d. LtWX, W. X., Xe>nsrd tks Xox in 8outk ^krics; or, Xottentot kable» and taies, ckieil)' trsnslated krom original manuseripts in tke librar) ok 8ir 6. 6re^. Post 8. Oondon, 'prübner. Olotk 3 s. 6 c>. Li-ouxv, lVlans.xilLV, üarbara Home. 3 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, IVIaxwell. Olotk 3i s. 6 6. XvoiiXLir, 0., Xores and matter: empirieo-pkilosopkical studies in- telliKibl^ rendersd; witk an additional introduction. Xdited, krom tke Isst edition ok ,,Xrakt und 8toik", b)t 1. I?. OollinZ- wvod. Post 8. Oondon, Iriidner. Olotk 7 8. 6 <i. Llinvox, iVIrs. 6». 8., -Vbbot's 'pkorpe; or, tke two Will». 2 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, Xall. Olotk 21 8. 0vili.lX6, Opt., Oeraldine iVIaxnard; or, tke skduction: a tale ok tke da^s ok 8kalcespeare. 3 Vols. Post 8. 8006011, 8lceet. Olotk 31 s. 0 6. IZX6iXLLiriX6 r^ois and iivvnLS kor 1863: an annual register ok rogress in mscksnicsl enxineerinK and oonstruction. Xdited ^ ^V. 8. Ilrown. ?ost 8. Oondon, Xullarton. Olotk 6 s. Xv^tX8, II. iVO, speculstive Notes, and Notes on spsculation, ideal and real. Post 8. Oondon, OroomkridKS. olotk 10 s. 6 6. 8ketckes ok tke instorv ok tke recent monev msrket auä tke mer- csutile worlä generaliz-. Xkoki pittLN to kosr: a novel. Post 8. Oondon, 1'inslex- Olotk 10 s. 6 d. OrttXV, Xlt. I., tke principles ok surger^, clinieal, medieal, and ope rative: an oriKinsl snal^sis ok patkoloZ)^ s^stemativall): con- 6uote6, sn6 a critieal «xposition ok its guidance st tl>e bed- sido sn6 in operations; representinZ tks principles ok tke ear- liest sn6 most exsct disKnosis, stioloK)', prognosis, sn6 tkers- peuties, medical »116 operative. 8. Oondon, Okurckill. Olotk 18 s. sn6 itslisn unit/. Lx Oieut.-Ool. Okambers. 8. Oon- 6on, 8mitk L 8. Olotk 10 s. 6 6. Vke sutkor's okject kas keen to Fixe an sccvunt ok tks Services reiiäereä to ll.rlv I»v Oerideläi, krom tlie spring ok lSLS <!a,vn to tke dose ok 1883: snck >,e stste» ti,»t ,,no previoos Iiistor^ comes >Io«vn Is- ter ttisn ti,e eeri/ pnrt »k 1881". 6n.8Lnr, vv., tlie ßvI6svvorti>^ ksmil^; or, tlie countr;: »ttorne^. 2 Vols. Post 8. 8on6on, Ikresmsn. 6Iotli 21 s. Loitsr, I. Nl., tlie IVlsori lcin^; or, tlie stor^ ok vur lste qusrrel >vitl> tke nstives ok Ilevv i?eslsn6. Post 8. 8on6on, Olsciuillsn. 6Iotk 10 s. 6 6. I-^ltCL, I. k., 8iks ok tks 8or6 Issus Okrist: s complete eritiesl exsminstion ok tke orißin, eontents, sn6 connection ok tks 6o«pels. Irsnslsteä trom tke gerinsn 8opkis 'psxlor. 3 Vols. 8. (Ldinkurgk.) 8on6on, Hamilton. 3s s. 8LIL 8^miLi.s. sutkor ok ,,IVKest and Isrss". 2Vols. Post8. 8on6on, 8onj;ms». tllotk 15 s. 8LL»i.k:n, 6. V., sn6 X. 6xno«, rkeoloßiesl sncl komilsticsl com- mentsrx on tke ^,cts ok tke ^postles, specisll^ 6ssi§ne6 s»6 sdspterl kor tks uss ok Ministers s»6 students kroni tke germsn. Nldited k^ I p. 8snoe, trsnsslsted b>' p I 6Iogß. Vol. I. 8. (kdinburKk.) 8ondon, Hsmilton. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. I-LSSLii, p., voll)''« dressnisker. "prsnslsted krom tke xermsn k^ >is- dsme Oe Okstelsin. 4. Oondon, Klebers. 6sse l s. 0d. OoiiS, 6., tke declins ok tke romsn repuklic. Vol. 1. 8. I-ondon, Nell. 6Iotk 14 s. 8osr 8in kl^ssiiikvLnv: s romsnce ok rssl like. 2 Vols. Post 8, Oondon, Oow. Olotk 16s. „IVlsnksttsn". 3 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, 8sunders L O. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. iVInitsn, 6. ?., Nsn and nsture; or, pk^sicsl xeoßrspk): ss modiked k^ kumsn sction. 8. Oondon, Oow. 6Iotk 14 s. NWLvn», 6., Xmilis in NlnKlsnd. 3 Vols. kost 8. Oondon, Okspmsn L Osll. 6lotk 31 s. 6 d. MittM, Iloratk^ Oovedsle's trisls. 2 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, 6r»ombridße. Olotk 21 s. tke tkeor^ ok tke blendinA ok tke rsees applied to tke smsricsn vrkits ms» »nd nsxro. 12. Oondon, T'rübner. Olotk 2 s. 6 d. IVIoxrLoUr.nv, I-xniLS, Oiks, times »nd cksrscter ok. 8. Klllis. 12. Oondon, Isclcson L IV. Olotk 2 s. 0 d. OkULU, 6. k., küsstivsrds; or, reslities ok indisn like. kost 8. Oondon, 8iniplcin. Olotk 3 s. 6 d. ^ stör)' ok anglo-inäisn like. pxncv, I., IVIetsllurZ)': tke srt ok extrsetinß Metals krom tkeir ores and sdaptinx tkem to vsrious purposes ok manukaeture. Iron and Steel. VVitk illustrstions ekieü^ krom original draiv- inßs, esrekull^ Isid down to scsle. 8. Oondon, k-lurrs^. Olotk 42 s. I'ke 6rst psrt ok tke Work wes publiskeä at tke enä ok 1861. 4ks knei Port will inciuäe tke »ubjects ok leeä, goick, siiver, ote. Leck Ike Lutkvr Ien3eä in ?,'erv LealLnä in klax 1860, anä VVLS s vvitnsss ok tke greeter pert ok tke »truggle. 3'kc autkor tekes e view ok tke querrei kigkix kavourekie to tlie netivcs. 7ke Volume contnins A MSP, snd s 6nc portrsit ok tViiiism Ikompsnn, tke Xe>v Xesisnä ckiek. ULkiotM, 4V- 4V., smsricsn politivs: a moral and politieal worlc, treatinK ok tks causes ok tks civil war, tks nsture ok Govern ment, and tke necessit): kor rekorm. 8. (I4ew Orleans.) Oon don. 7 s. 6 d. HLNOXI1V, tke, s tale. Lz: 8crutstor. 3 Vols. kost 8. Oondon, ^7ewk)i. Olotk 31 s. 0 d. LWrsxiiS, Or., tke sewinx msckine; its kistorx, eonstruetion, and applicativn. Iranslatsd kx 17. 6reen. Illustrsted k> seven plates. 8. Oondon, 8pon. Losrds 7 s. 6 d. llLsrLN Xikion. tke sutkor ok ,,^ bad keginninx". 3 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, 8mitk 12. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. IlokiL, 6-, Oesle^'s guardians. 3 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, lVIscmil- lan. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. Hoi> ötossokis, tke: or, tke rewsrd ok ^outkkul integrit):. Ikrans- lsted krom tke Zerman. 12. Oondon, iVlarlkorouxk. 6lotk2s.6d. .4 stör)' ok tke like ok a poor germsn sckoolmsster. Hvxi.LV, 1». 00, Oeelures on tke elemsnts ok comparstive snstom^ in tke elsssiticstion ok animals and in tke vertsbrate slcull. 8. Oondon, Okurekill. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. 1nkiL8, O. k. X., öernard iVIsrsk: a novel. 2 Vols. Post 8. Oon don, kentle)'. Olotk 21 s. Ono88. L)' sutkor ok ,,8t. Olave's". 3 Vols. Post8. Oon don, Ourst L Ü. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. lkLi.18, 8., XsIIsds krom tke xermsn. 12. Oondon, klscliwood. Olotk 5 s. Vrsnsistions krom Lreiiigrstk, Leine, VklsnO, 8ckiiler» ltörner, snä vtker mockern german poet8. XLlt, 0. p., and X. OLt>VT8cil, kidlicsl commentsr^ on tke Old 'Postament. Iranslsted 1. lVIsrtin. Vol. 1. Ike ?eu- tsteuck. 8. (Ldinkurgk.) Oondon, Hamilton. Olotk 10 s. 8 d. > kLMLtLS in tke deserts ok 8)'ri» and smonx tke lurliomans and öedaweens. Post 8. Oondon, lVlurrs/. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. 8^6kvxn8, 1., Ou): IVatsrman: a novel. 3 Vols. kost 8. Oondon, 'pinsle)'. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. 8Lxion, VV., l2ssa)'s on kction. Post 8. Oondon, OonZman. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. ^rticles on tke noveis ok 8ir Walter 8cott, 8ir L. L. Litton, Illr. Vksckerav, Colonel 8enior. snä klrs. lleecker 8towe, contrikuteü bv tke sutkor to tke tlusrterl), Läinkurgk, l onäon, sn4 ?Iortk kritisk keviews. 8klLllL8l>Lil.llL 1L8V nooils; comprisinA merrie talss ok 8Icelton; jests ok 8coA>n; ssclikull ok I^ewes; 'parlton's )ests; merrie concei- ted jests ok 6. psele, laeke ok Ovver. Xdited, witk intro- duction and Notes, k) W. O. Hsrlitt. 12. Oondon, Willis. Olotk 7 s. 8 d. 8lLLL6Ik, X., picturesclue Karden plans, sdspted to enKÜsk Zsrdens. 1. k^ewton. 24 coloured plates. Xol. Oondon, llardwiclce. Olotk 21 s. 8kiiriv ok tke 6is»t IVlountains: s Serie» ok fair)" tsles. 8)'»0 O. X. K'rom tke Kermsn. 12. Oondon, >1urra)' L Oo. Olotk 3 s. 6 d. 8rLp«LXS, IVIrs. tke wike's secret. 12. jk'Uilsdelpkis.) Oon don. 7 s. 6 d. 8ILVLX80X, 'Pli., tke desiß» and eonstruetion ok karbours. Xe- printed and enlarged krom tke „Xnexclopsedia kritanniea". 8. (XdinburKk.) Oondon, Oonßmsn. Olotk 10 s. 8 d. Imroop, iVI X , tke kuture: a politieal esss)'. 12. (?^ew ^ ork.) Oondon. 6 s. 6 d. 'pllLVOk, 6., 1'^pes and tks antit^pe: leetures delivered in lsnt 1862 and 1863. 8. Oondon, i«o-:Ie>. Olotk 7 s. rke sutkor ststes tkst tke vrork i, tke sukstsnce »k two Serie» ok t-ent lectures ciirectsd Lgsinst recent sttempts to separate 014 Vesta- ment krom tke ktew.
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