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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 10.01.1866
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1866-01-10
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 10.01.1866
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-186601104
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18660110
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1866
- Monat1866-01
- Tag1866-01-10
- Monat1866-01
- Jahr1866
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Englische Literatur. ÜXUKLKV, 6., Dravving krom nature: a series ok progressive in- «tructions in sketcking krom elementar) stu4ies to 6niske4 vievvs, »itk «xaniples from 8»it2erls»4 an4 tke ?)renees; to »kick are appen«le4 ieetures on art, 4elivsre4 et Kug4) «ckool. Illustrere«! d) 18 colvure«! an«! litkogrspkic plates, an4 more tkan 100 »oo4cuts. ko)al 8. 8on4on, I-ongmans. Olotk 25 s. 8LXrM pitxoxs; or, pen a»4 penei! slcstckes in Ital). 8) autko- ress ok vo)age en eigeag". 8. 8on4vn, I-ongmans. Olotk 10 8L0P0UV, p., tke Hol) 8aa4, Lg)pt, Oonstantinople, Vtkens, etc.: a ssries ok48 pkotogrspds talcen k) I?. 8o4kvr4 kor tke krince ok Wales 4uring tlie tour in tke esst; in »kick, k) commsnk, Ke sccompanie4 kis 8v)al Rigdness. Witk 4escriptive text an4 introcluclion d) W. U. pkompson. 4. 8o»4on, Vs). Olotk 42 s. 8vL8L, kl. 8., an essa) on dumsn nature; sko»ing tke necessit) ok L «livine revelstion kor tke perfect 4«velopment of man's cspscitiss. 8. k,on«!on, I-ongmans. Olotk 12 «. Lirotv«, I. 6., Vustralia for tke consuinptivs invali4; tke vo)age, climates, »n4 Prospekts for resiclence. Post 8. 8on4on, Üar4- »iclce. Olotk 5 s. 8ucici.L!<v, I'., Ouriosities of natural kistor). 3. 8eries. 2 Vols. Post 8. k-onOon, 8entle). Olotk 21 s. Lvxrou, 0»., tke irless of tke 4s) on polic). 8. 8on4on, lVIurra). Olotk 6 s. Ike autkor statcs tke sim of dis dook to de 'not to sdo» »dat men migdt «Kind, or ougdt to tkink, dut »dat tdc) are no» actuall) tdinking in Lnglan«!.' Ui« book is SN anal)8ls of tke Political iäeas nv» st »ord amvng cxisting Parties on joäicial statesmansdip, snä rsligiaus, social, financial, colonial, inäian, snä irisk polier, etc. Ooi-I-IM, 6., prance on tke evs on tke great revolutivn; I'rancs, 8ollan4, an4 tke lVetkerlan4s s centur) sgo. I!4ite<l b) kis gran4-4augkter, Urs. 6K. pennant. 8. I-on4on, 8snt!e). Olotk 10 s. 6 «l. Ooolce, pn. kV., on cancer, its sllies an4 counterksits. 8. k,on«!o», I-ongmsns. 6Iotk 12 s. 6 «I. Vociok XlL«?; tke stör) ok A like »itk s blsmisk. 2 Vols. Post8, k-vnOon, 4ackson kr kV. Olotk 31 s. 6 6. vvW, Pu. kk., L kistor) of tke cit) ok Home, its structurss an4 monument«, kroin its founclstion to tke «n«l of tke mi44le agks. 8. chonäon, Oongmans. Olotk 15 s. Leck: Homo: L surve^ ok tke like sn<1 »ork ok kesus Okrist. 8. OonOon, lVIsomillsn. Olotk 10 s. 0 ä. Ll-lMLxiai 8vni opers selscts. LOitecl k^ ch Overbeck. 8. k,on- «lon, ülscmillsn. Olotk 21 s. k'Liransso«, 4., s dlstor^ ok arckiteeture in nll countries, krom tke esrliest tinies to tke present «1 Vols. Vol. 1. 8. k,on- «lon, iVluriL)'. kkslk-bouncl 42 s. Oovl-v, 8ttvi«L L^uikia, tke boolc ok kVere-kVolvss: being Ln uc- count ok u terribls Superstition. Post 8. k-vnäon, 8mitk L L. Olotk 7 s. 6 <l. /t monoxispk)' on tke kistor/ »N<I ckaracter ot tke populär Superstition ltnokvn LS I^cantkropx, or tke belief in tke trsnsforination of men snä »«men into rvolves anä otker animals, in oräsr to gratis)'tkelr Passion for kuman üesk. HkAvLkso«, 8.., tke solllier ok tkree Queens: u nurrstive ok perso nal L«lventure. 2 Vols. Post 8. k,on«lon, 8sunZsrs O. Olotk 21 ». klilitarv Souvenirs of Service in tke 8p»nisk Uezion in 8p»in anä Por tugal, »nck in tke Oriine». 4x«ki, O., spiritual svngs krom tke canticles. prsnslste«! b)' 4«nnL IVI. Ns)'. 12. Oonllon, Norga» L 0. Olotk 2 s. 6 6. lülpkuuxi. Oicrioiixirv ok universal kiogrspk^. Oomprising a Se rie« ok original memoirs ok äistinguiske«! inen ok all ages sncl nstions. 6 Vols. Imp.-8. k.onäon, Nsclceneie. Olotk 21 s. eack. Kkiiaur, On., 8ka«lo»s ok tke olkl boolcsellers. Post 8. k-oullon, öraObur)'. Olotk 10 s. 6 <l. lüagrapkical sketckes of ^acob ^onsoo, vunton, Ourll, IVeivderr)', anil otkers pudliskers, cklefl)' of tke elgkteentk centur)'. karx ok Vlxii s^mboliroä b)> tke montks ok tke xesr, i» a »sriss ok illustrstions k^ 4. k,eigktoa, an6 pourtrs)'««! in tksir season« anü pksses; »itk pssssges krom ancient anO morlern vvritsrs b)' P. pigot. 4. OonOrrn, laongmans. Olotk 42 s. k-orr, klNdiLkliiL, tke «nglisk govsrness in üg^pt: Harem like in Lg^pt sn«l Oonstantinople. 2 Vols. kost 8. Oonäon, öentlev. Olotk 2l s. t'ke autkores« rvas svrmerl)' governess to Ibrakim packa, «on of ls- mael packa, Vicero) ok Lg)pt. k,ur«LU. — klistoric scenes in tke like ok VI. k-utker, «lescrikeä b^ 4. ü. iVIerle «l'^ubigne. Illustrste«l b^ p. 8. Oalkvucköre. 4. k-oiiäon, Oa^. Olotk 5 s. Nxci>liLN80ii, kV. — lVIemorials ok Service in In«lis, krom tke corre- sponilenes ok tke late lVIajor 8swuel Oksrters IVIscpkerson, Po litical sgent st Ovvalior «luring tke mutin)'. k!«Iite<1 b)' kis brotker, kV. VIscpkerson. 8. Oonäon, Nurrs^. Olotk 12 s. Nxkuvxi, pk., kVoiiisn agsinst vvomsn. 3 Vols. Post 8. I^onäon, üentle)'. Olotk 31 ». 0 4. lVIxus», VIrs., Okronicles okUartmoor. 3 Vols. kost 8. Oon<lo», Hurst L 11. Olotk 31 s. 6 <1. »ovel. IVlLvkiLL, p. !>., tke conüict ok goo4 an«l evil in our «la)'. pvvelve lsttsr« to a missionsrv. Post 8. k,v»6ou, 8mitk L k. Olotk 0 ,. lUxvico euiuvuLicxi. punkisneiioxs. 2. 8eries. Vol. 13. 8. I.0N- <lon, k-ongmans. Olotk 14 s. IVIoLitS, kV. 4. 6., englisk travellers sn«1 italian krigancls: a narra tive ok capture anä csptivit^. 2 Vols. kost 8. I-onOon, Hurst L 8. Olotk 21 s. VIvSLim ok kixivuxi. üisiouv: being s populär sccount ok tke structore, kabits, sn«I elsssilicstion ok tke various «leparte- ments ok tke animal lti»g«lom: guaärupe<ls, birtls, reptiles, üskos, skslls, anä insects. 4 Vols. Imp.-8. I,on<lon, Nso- Iceneie. Olotk 16 s. eack. I^Lvvuv, Vlrs. 6. 4., common senss. 3 Vols. kost 8. 4,on«lon, lklevvk)«. Olotk 31 s. 6 «i. OtM 8m«Rk:k in tke H.xur PouLsr. 8^ s scotck kamil^. 12. (L«lin- burgk ) I,on<loo, Hamilton. Olotk 6 s. kx?uxk:i.. — pke great »orlcs ok pspksel 8snrio, ok Ordino, in s se riös ok 20 pkotograpks krom tke best engrsvings ok kis most celebrste«! psintings, vritk tke like bx Vsssri, sn«l sppentlix containing a complst« list of tke autkenticateil »orks ok ks- pksel. Ho^sl 8. Oon<Ion, 8ell 8r 8. Olotk 31 s. 6 >1. 0., past celebritiss vvkvm 1 kave knovvn. 2 Vols. kost 8. Ovnllon, 8keet. Olotk 21 s. kxw, Ospt. VI^VkiL, tke kesOIess korseman: a stränge tsle ok lexas. Vol. 1. 8. I-onilon, Okspmsn kr U. Olotk 6 s. koaM«, 8., tke pleasures ok kvpv. Illustratecl »itk 20 «losigns. kost 8. Oonklon, 8o>v. Olotk 5 s. Husitiii, 4., tke etkic» ok tke «lust: ten lectures to liltle kouso^vives on tke elements ok vr^stsllisation. Post 8. I-vnäon, Hmitk kr lkl. Olotk 5 s. kussül.!., kV. 8., tke stlsntio telegrspk. Illustrate«! bx 8. vuälo)'. ko^sl 8. I-oixlon, Da)'. Olotk 21 s. 8-t.i.x, O. ik., s trip to barbsr^ k)' a rounOsbout route. 8. I,on- «lon, pinsle)'. Olotk 15 s. 8x^10«, pll., krom «Silet to colonel: tke revorcl ok a like ok sctivs Service. 2 Vols. Post 8. Oonclon, Hurst kr 8. Olotk 21 s. 8iivi80ki, kV., a kistor)'ok tke gipsies, »itk specimens of tke gips)' language. L<lite<1 »itk prsksce, introäuction, snä Notes, sn<1 a l!isc)uisition on tke past, present, an«l kuture ok gips^Oom. Post 8. Oonclon, I-ovv. Olotk 10 s. 6 «!. 81KLV88, 6. I-., tke ol«l Isäger. 3 Vols. kost 8. I.onäon, pinsle)«. Olotk 31 ». 6 <l. pxvdon, lkl., 8slpk llarnell. 3 Vols. kost 8. I^onilo», 81aclt»ooi1 kr 80ns. Olotk 31 s. 6 «I. pLkMVSO«, V., Lnock ^r«len. Illustrate«! b) -I. Hugkes. 8. I,on- «lon, IHoxvn. Olotk 21 s. plMS, 4., Olub like ok I-onilon; »Itk snee«Iote» ok tke clubs, cok- kee kouses, sn«I tavern» ok tke Metropolis «luring tke 17., 18., an«! 19. centuries. 2 Vols. kost 8. Ooixlon, 8entle). Olotk 21 s. puoi.l.OI'i:, V., tke kelton Lstste. 3 Vols. kost 8. I-vixlon, Oksp- msn kr H. Olotk 31 s. 6 <l. H? tke DtM sn«l 0« to I4oitvv,4,v. 8)« Nr. kkikill. kost 8. I-onäon, Osssell. Ololk 10 s 6 <1. kViMkULv 8xit'rite.M »n«l tke »orlä ske liveO in. 8^ autdor ok „Okronicles ok tke 8vkonbsrg-6otta ksmil^". Post 8. I>on«lon, Nelson. Olotk 6 s. 6 4, kVoi.i.XS'roi«, p. V., Ooleopter» k.tlanti4u>n. 8. I,on4on, Vau Voorst, Olotk 21 s. kVooiULU, p»., m)' kesutikol . I»4)'. 12. I,oll4on , Nacmillsn. Olotk 5 s.
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