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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 07.02.1866
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1866-02-07
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 07.02.1866
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-186602076
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18660207
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1866
- Monat1866-02
- Tag1866-02-07
- Monat1866-02
- Jahr1866
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Neuigkeiten der ausländischen Literatur. Amerikanische Literatur. 1,., tke »tructure ok »nimal like: levtures deliversd st tke 8roolcl/n ^csdem/ ok musie. 8. (New Vorlc.) London, Low. 10 s. 6 d. Xrrsnria r^txs: s cvllectio» of Stories krom lk« Atlantic Vlontkl/'. 12. (Uostoii.) 1<on<Ion. 12 s. 8us», 6». 8., kve /ssrs in Odins: s like ol Lev. VV. ^.itvkison, Missionar/ t» Odins. 16. Illustratsd. (kkilsdelpkia.) London. 6 ». 6 <1. Lvvonv, IV. 8., tke prsctice ok medicine snd snrxer/ applied to tke diseases incident to women. Ko/»I 8. (kkilsdelpkia.) London. 21 ». viixrLk, 8. VI., Oonxrexstionalism: «"KSt it is. 8. (Loston 1865.) London. 15 «. Vooi.irri.L, 1., social like ok tke Okinese. 2 Vols. Lost 8. (New Vkorlc.) London, Lov/. 24 s. k'n.xxcis, 1. 8 , un tke »trengtk ok csst-iron pillsrs. 8. (New Vorlr.) London. 8 «. UL-rvtL/, 8on. 1. IV, Orant and 8kvrmsn, tkeir csmpsißn» snd ße- nersls. 8. kvrtrsits, map», eto. (New Vorlc.) London. 18 s. 8vn8r, d. 8., Ristvr/ ok rationslism. 8. (New Vkork.) London. 16 s. k-vriurn.— 8our/esrs in tke old world: tke travels ok 8r. and VIrs. kslmer. 8. (New Vorlc.) London. 15 «. ?Llm/, kl. 8., 8Isments ok political «conom/. 8. (New Vkork.) London. 12 s. kitixcx ok XktSNk»^., tke: s west indian «tor/. 8/ tke sutkor ok 'In tke 'kropics'. 12. (New Vorlc.) London. 10 s. 8LINLI.VM, 8., Ndinoscvp/ and Iar/n§vscop/. 8. Ooloured pls- tes. (New Vorlc 1865.) London. 16 s. 8rLVLki8, ^., tke centensr/ ok metkodism: a slcetck ok tke ki- stor/ ete. 12. (New Vkorlc.) London. 7 s. 6 d. 1'LXKLX, W. 1., militsr/ snd nsvsl kistor/ ok tke rebellion in tke United 8tates. Imp.-8. Liste». (NewVorlc.) London. Olotd 20 -. VkKLNO, VI. V8, new System ok pk/siognvmon/. 12. (New Vorli.) London. 10 ». OuLltkiocx, k. 8r., Verbs nvminslis; or, words derived krom pro per nsiues. 8. London, Irübner. Olotk 14 s. Vov's peersge, bsrvnetsge, snd lüiixlitaxe ok Orest Lritsin snd Irelsnd, kor 1866, including sll tke titlsd elssses. 12. Lon don, Wkittsksr. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. vannxiir, V., more »Keils kor tke Ocesn. 8. London, Vlurrs/ L Ov. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. 81.1.1s, W., 1'koutzkts on tke kuture ok tke kums» rsce. kost 8. London, 8mitk 8c 8. Olotk 5 s. 8vvLM Lkodii keripstetici krsgmsnts guse snpersnnt. Oollegit L. 8penße>. 8. Onl/ 150 oopies printed. London, VVillisms L N. Olotk 14 ». 811WLI., 1. 6., üistor/ ok kreemasonr/, krom its riss down to tke present da/. Lrsnslsted krom tke ßermsn; witk preksoe b/ 6. van Lslsn. 8. London, klsker. Olotk 12 s. 8lkiX, VIrs., Home in tke Hol/ Lsnd; s tsle illustrstinx custom» snd invidents in modern lernsslem. 12. London, Nisbet. Olotk 6 s. 8ir?6MLl.i>, denn)' öell: s stör/. 3 Vols. kost 8. London, Lentle/. 6Iotk 31 s. 6 d. <üii.s.^nr, 1. IV., tke kistor/ snd prineiples ok ksnkinß, tke Isws ok tke currenc/, etc. 8. London, Usll L V. 6Iotk 14 s. rke present Work IS tke fourtk rolnme »k » Ikprint ok tke Inte klr. 6IIbLrt's Works. UwvLX vLprns. 2 Vols. 8. London, Rsmilton. Olotk 21 s. douxsoi», 6., Notes on ckolers; it» nsture snd trestment. 12. London, Longmsn». Olotk 3 s. 6 d. L^M, Ounri.L8, kis krisnds, bis ksnnts, snd dis bovlcs. 8<)u»re 16. London, Lentle/. Olotk 7 s. 6 d. Loxvoki O^r^toavL ok periodicsls, newspspers, snd trsnssctions ok vsrious socisties, slsv s list ok Metropolitan printinx socie- ties snd olobs, kor 1866. Lo/sl 8. London, Lonxmans. 8ewed 1 ». Lvrrois, 8ir 8. 8., tke lost tsles ok Niletus. London, Vlurrsv Olotk 7 s. 6 d. Stories in vrrr««;. Hie iäea ok tke antkor is to reproäuce tke famous tnles ok >Metu«, wkiek are generalis eon8>äereä to de tke remote pro- ßenitor» ok tke moäern novel; or ratker to proäuce a 8erle8 ok poems ivkied Ke imsßineä to ksve resembleä tkem. Englische Literatur. VIrs., tke sdventures ok s serk's wike smonA tke miues ok 8ib«ris. kost 8. London, Newb/. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. ä »tar^; dnt tke »utkvres» »kkrm» tk»t tke inc!4ents sre kssed upoa kset». Lei-i., VI. VI., voctor IVeld; or, tke web ok like. 2 Vols. kost 8. > London, VVsrne. Olotk 12 ». Liiisrxv, 1k., s »snslcrit-enßlisk dictionsr/; witk rekerences to tke best editions ok ssnslcrit sntkors, snd «t/mologies snd vom- psrisons ok coßnsts words, ckiekl/ in greek, Istin, xotkic, snd snxlo-ssxon. 8. London, Longmsns. Olotk 52 s. 6 d. LikMLV, 1., 8t. ksul: kis like snd ministr/ to tke end ok kis tdird missionsr) )ourne/. 12. London, Nisbet. Olotk 5 s. OrizinsII? pskllsked in tke 'Lkristisn World' oewspnper. LonuLir, 0. L., Ollt west: s Serie« ok letters krom Osnsds snd tke United 8tstes. kost 8. London, Oroombridge. Olotk 6 s. ^ ^ nnrrntive ok n tour in tke »utnino ok 1884. 8ovi.L, VIxnv L-, tsngled wekt: two stories. kost 8. London, 8mitk L 8. Olotk 10 ». 6 d. Lit^iruw^ilL, IV. snd 1., » commentsr/ on midwiker/ and tke disesses ok women snd ckildren kor tke lsst kslk-/esr. 12. London, 8implcin. 8ewed 2 s. 6 d. on slkections ok tke e/e, lul/ to veeember 1865. 12. London, 8implein. 8ewed 2 s. 6 d. 8noo«L, OK., Len /esrs in 8ar»wslc; witk introdnction b/ 8. 8. tke Lszsk 8ir 1. öroolce. 2 Vols. kost 8. London, kinsle/. Olotk 25 s. Lvnxx, S., a xenesloxicsl snd kersldio dictionsr/ ok tke peersxe »nd bsronetaxe ok tke britisk empire. 28. 8dit. 8o/»l 8. London, Hsrrison. Olotd 38 ». Lvnxx, k., celebrsted nsrsl and militsr/ trials. kost 8. London, ^Ilen. Olotk 10 ». 6 d 0»L»8Xit8, ku. 8-, some ekkects ok tke climste ok Itsl/. kost 8. London, Okorckill. Olotk 4 ». 6 d. Vl^canLSvit, s tkoussnd miles in tke Kob ko/ csnoe on rivers and Islces ok 8nrope. Wirk numerous illustration«. 12. Lon don, Low. Olotk 5 ». VkxE kLi-Lk. 8/ sutkor ok „Lord L/nn's wike". 3 Vols. kost 8. London, kentle/. Olotk 31 s. 6 d. VI,4itiiiki<;, ^., Vlis» 8idd/ krobisker: s «alt wster stör/. 6/ sutkor ok ,,VIsr/ kowell". kost 8. London, Low. Olotk 8 s. Vl^mei«, 8., tke »tstesmsn's /esr-boolc kor tke /esr 1866. kost 8. London, Vlscmillsn. Olotk 10 s. 6 d. Nosi-i: Lwx, s. 6/ sutkor ok „lokn 8sliksx, xentlemsn". 2 Vols. kost 8. London, Hurst L 6. Olotk 21 s. OwLki, k., on tke snstom/ ok vertebrates. Vol. 1. kiskes »nd reptiles. 8. London, Lonxmsns. Olotk 21 s. 4°ke present Work completes tke outline ok tke vrALnisstion ok tke snimsl kinzäom, wkick wss begun krvkessor Owen« lectures on tke eompsrative snstom/ snä pk/sloloA/ ok tke invertekrste »nimsls, publlskeil in 4843. Tke voiume contsins » lsrxe numder ok wooäcut illustrstion« intersperseil witk tke text. K^PN^LI. 8^11/1: kis like snd kis Works. 6/ kl. Lsron von Wol- roxsn, trsnslsted k/ 1. 8. konnött. kost 8. London, 8mitk -k 8. Olotk 9 s. kLLOKkiliioii, tke, ok kriends in kes/en. 8/ tke biskop ok kipon, 1. 8. Owen, Vl'kluslsne, N VIsclsod, etc. 12. London, Nisbet. Olotk 3s. 6 d. 8epsr»te «sss/s on tkis suk)ect, entitleä Olimpse« ok kesven, ve- psrteck krienils in kesven, 8vcisl like in kesven, ikke )o/ ok recaxnition, Our sngel eompsnions, Lternsl like, ete. Nxkv, IV., tke kistor/ ok sugar snd /ieldinß plant»; toxetker witk sn epitome ok ever/ notsble proces» ok sugsr extrsction snd msnukscture, krom tke esrliest times to tke present, kost 8. London, Lonxmsns. Olotk 5 s. kxiiML, 8., 8kotsn snd tke »tor/ ok tke voosr wsr, includinß slcetckes ok s tdree montks' residence in tke Uimsla/s», snd nsrrstive ok s visit to 8kotsn in Vis/ 1865. kost 8. London, Vlurrs/. Olotk 12 s.
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