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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 30.12.1921
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1921-12-30
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 30.12.1921
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-192112303
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-19211230
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- Freier Zugang - Rechte vorbehalten 1.0
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Urheberrechtsschutz 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1921
- Monat1921-12
- Tag1921-12-30
- Monat1921-12
- Jahr1921
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Deelcstall-Pmitk, k., and L. Du Itnnlay: 4'ke complete yacktsman. 0>. Xsw Vork: Dutton. 8". 8 P. Dvrbvrt, 8id„ey: kke kall ok keudalism in Cranee. Dsw Vork: Ptokes. 8°. 2 P 73 o. Kelman, 3nkn D.: 'lks koundstions ok kaitk. Cole leclures 1921. Xsw Vork a. Ckicago: ksvell. 8". 1 P 50 c. Klyev, 8cndder: Cniverss witk Ikree introds. bv David 8tarr dordan, 3oI,n Dewey and Norris KIswelyn Cooks. Winekester, Noss,: 4ntkor. 8". 3 P. kagertpiist, Walter kdrvards: Investment snslysis. Cundamsntals in lbe analysis ok Investment seeurities. Xew Vork: Nacmlllan, 8". 6 P. o Keark, Henry Cnddurd: 4ng6vin llrilain and 8candinavia. Cum- Inidge, Nass. Darvard Cniv. Dress. 8". 3 P 50 c, knwry, kdwar«l Ovorgv: Wsskington close-ups. Inliniklttz views ok some public kigures. Roston: Dougkton Nikklin. 8". 3 P. 4Iv4ievl, k. IV.: Deating tke stock market. koston: 4utkor, 171 'Ire- inont. 8". 2 P. 4larquand, 4IIan: ksnedetlo and 8snti kuglioni. Rrineston, X. 3.: Drincelon Cniv, Kress. 8". 8 P. 4l»ure, Ckarles: Daniel D. kurnkam, arckitset, plannsr ok citiss, 2 vo>8. koston: Dougkton Nikklin, 4». 20 P, Niirpby, 41«bel 4»slvy: 4,»ricsn leaders. kkiladelpkia: 4»>, 8unday 8ckool Union. 8°. 1 P 25 e. 4ly maiden ekknrt. keing tke personal conksssions ok well-known 4n,s rican anlkors as Io tkeir litsrsry beginnings. Will, an introdvetion >,v Oelelt Lurgess. Cardsn City Xew Vork: I>ou1>te<Iav kage. 8". 2P. Xortkvnd, 11a> v Darr,ul: 'Nie art ok Korne ilocoi'ation. II. Dew Vork: ! lockt Vlescl.' 8". 3 P 50 c. Xntestein. Wallaee, anct kranees Hole» Relk: Connnon debates ko,' 1029. Critleally ecl. amt an introd. dealing witk parllamenlary sources kor tke early 8tuar>8. Ninnespoks, Ninn.: Cniv. ok Ninnssota, 8". 4 P. (Itesesret, pnl»I. ok tko llniv. ok Ikinn. LtuiOes in Mo soo. soionoos. klo kV.) OKIixatioi»,, International, -lonrnal ok tke national Instituts ok social Sciences konmlscl in 1912 unäer tlis ckartsr ok tke American social sciencs assn. Iloston r l'ks Cuxon Co. 8". 2 K 25 e. I'arkvr, liiuetnn: 8eulpturs ok to-day vol 1: America, Orsat kritsin. .ks,ian. Xevv Vork: 8eridner. 8°. 8 P 50 e. I'ocve», k. Vlexaniler r Wkers tke stränge trsils M down; 8ulu, Ilorneo, l'eledes. Hali, .lava, 8ui»atrs, 8lraits 8sttlei»snt8, ^lalay 8Iates, 8!am, Camdoclia, cVnnsm, Coekin-Ckina III. Xscv Vork: 8eribner. 8». 2 P 50 c. liaekcvvll, William Walker: Kapers ok tke American soeiety ok ekurck liislory. Xecv Vork: knlnani. 8". 3 !tz 50 c. Itoxers, Kreil kl.: Welcling and entling; instruetions kor tke care and ns« ok oxy-acstylsne apparatus and equipment. dsrsey City, X. 3.: tlavis-llournonvllls Co. 8". 1 P. kukker, 8ir Ikarr .Vrinaixl: 8tudlss in tke palaeopatkology ok Cgypt ed. ky lioy C. Noodls. Cliieago: Ilnlv. ok Ckle. Kress. 4". 7 P 50 c. ttiikl. Xrtl,nr krocvu: Xscv Masters ok tke Ilsltic. Xecv Vork: Dutton. 8«. 4 P. Ikttssell, .4da: Ceorgs Waskington. Xecv Vork: Ztokes. 8". 1 P 50 e. 8arxe»t. korter kdcvard: 14 kandbook ok Xevv England, koston: cVntkor, 14 kaeon 8tr. 8". 4P. 8>;arlata, kraueiseo 8»lvatore: L. courss in tlieoretical and practica! arekitsclurs. kort Duron, klick.: -Kutkor, 8". 15 P. 8c«tt, 3«I», 4.: 1'ks unity ok Dom er. Ckieago: Cniv. ok ckiv Kress. 8». 3 P 25 c. 8eatt, Walter Di», and 41»ry Dölmes 8tvpken Daves: Science and common Sense in working will, men. Xew Volk: Donald. 8". 2 P. Simpson, 3,d>„: 'l'ke law relating to automodils insursnce. Xew Vork: '1'ks Csstern Underwriter Co. 8". 5 P. skiimer, ,4Ianx,n lkuek: Xotes on lroquois arekeology. Xew Vork: kluseum ok tke American Indian, Deys koundst. apply. 8". 8mitl>, kussvll D.: Co--opsrating, msrekandising and i>romotion. India napolis, lnd.: ,4utkor, k. O. Kux 299. 8". 1 Z 50 c. 8uyder, rVIiev Xiska, and lUilton Valentine 8nyder: Karls dsys »ml Condon nlgkts. Dsw Vork: Dutton. 8". 4P. 8nrley, Willian, kiteliie: .4 kistory ok Cnglisk pkilosopky. Vew Vork: kulnai». 8°. 5 P. 8trevt, .kiilian Cennard: Klysterlous 3apan. Witk ill. krön, pkotogr. Oarden City Xew Vork: Doukledsy. kage. 8". 4 P. 8turge,»n, »arv C.: Westminster .41>key its inemories and its mssssge. III. Xew Vork: 8tokes. 4°. 7 P 50 c. 8>i»iv»u, kdmnnd 3.: Vke art ok illustrstion. Dew Vork: 8eribner. 8". 8 P 50 e. 8y»iunds, li. W.: Vke present stals ok old Dnglisk kurniture. III. Dew Vork: 8Iockss. 4". 20 P. 'I'aiissig. krank William: 8elseted resdings in international trade and larikk prodlems. Doslon: (linn. 8". 3 P. 1'Iinmas, William Isaae, aml kluria» Xanieeki: Die kokst, peasant i» kuro^e and Vinerica. 5 vols. Iloston: Dadger. 8". 5 P. I'kompsan, Wallaee: Vrading will, Vlexico. Xew Vork: Dockl ,Vlea<I. 8". 2P. 'I'omlinson, kvvrett l'itswiirtl,: Voung psople's kistory ok tke Vmsricai, revolution. Xow Vork: Vppleton. 84 2 P 50 e. kreat, kayson daeksnn: 3span snit tke Cnitsd 8tates, Dostou: Dougklon Kliktlin. 8». 2 P. Vandeodurg, Vrtkur Dendriek: Vke grestsst -Knisrivsn. Alexander Ilamilton. 4» bist, analysis ok kis like and works etc. Xew Vork: kutnam. 8". 2 P 50 c. Wliitman, Walt.: Vks uncolleeled poetry and prose ed. by Cmory Dol- loway. III. 2 vols. (larden City. Xew Vork: Doubleday kage. 8". 7 P 30 c. Varrnw, William, and Cnuis Itniieke: liobert Henri, kis like a»<I works. Will, korty rsproductions. Dsw Vork: Koni 8c kivsrigkt, 2^. 10 P. Vlexamter, .V.: 4 wsykarers caravan, Condon: iVIurray, 84 10 sk. 6 d. Nack, k. W.: Vks way ok sscspe. 4 eontridution to »reconstruction <, Kondor,: Daniel, 84 3 sk. 6 <1, Nailey, 3okn: 8ome politlesl idess and persons, kondon: Nurray. 8". 0 sk, kruiit»», 3,»kn: Kankers and borrowers, Witk an lntroduction ky krnest 8ykes. Imixlon: 4rnold. 8". 7 sk. 6 d, Nnckana», 4ng«s: Out ok tke world nortk ok Nigeria, kondon: Vlurray, 84 16 sk, Campkell, Xorinai, ködert: 8sriss spsctrs, Csnibridge: Cniv. Kress. 84 16 sk. 6 d. (Ikortorn eleotiioal tlloory. Snppl. otiaptors. 61»spt6i' ,5.) Coke», Ckapman: 4 granunar ok krsetkougkt. kondon: kioneer Kress. 84 5 sk, Cumston, Ckarles Otreene, and Ceorges katry: Vke surgical lreatnient ok non-malignant akksetions ok tke stomaek. kondon: Dsinsmsnn. 84 15 sk. Dowson, V. W. D.: Dates anil <Iate cultivatlon ok tke '!,«<>. Kart 1, 2, Cambridge: Dstksr L 8ons. 84 5 sk. kletekvr, k, 3.: Nsrket nursery work. 4 seriss ok six dooks on tke cultivation ok erops kor market. Vol 1. 2. kondon: kenn kros. 8", 3s 4 sk. 6 d. Cure, Ckarles: keliek in Cod. kondon: Vlurray. 84 7 sk. 6 d. <>»ide. Nriek Io tke ckinsse emdroidsries. (Victoria and 4Iberl 41»- seum.) kondon: D. 41. klslionsry Okkiee. 8". 7 d, Daslekurst, k. 8. V.: 8oms aceount ok tke penitsntial discipline ok tke early ekurck ln tke kirst kour centuries. l.ondo»: 8. k, C. K. 8". 5 sk. Davvtrvy, R.: kke kxckopuer and tke eonlrol ok expenditure. kondon: 4Iilkord. 84 2 sk. 6 d. Deutk. 8ir ^k»mas: 4 kistory ok greek matkeinalics, 2 vols. Ixindon: Vlilkord. 8". 50 sk, .lunes, Henry 4rtk„r: 41y dear Wells. 4 nianusl kor tke Katers ok kuglsnd. ksliig a ssries ok lstters upon dolskevisin, colleetivisiu, internationallsm ancl tke distridution ok weallt, adclresssd to Nr. D, O. Wells, kondon: Dask. 84 7 sk, 6 d. lourdain, Dleanor k.: Dramatic tkeory and practice in krancs 1690— 1808. kondon: kongmans, 84 12 sk. 6 d. Kennedy, 6. 4. 8tuddert: Dsmocraey and tke dog-collar. I.ondon: Dodder L 8tongkton. 8", 6 sk. Knnx, 8ir 4Ikrvd: Witk tke russisn srmy 1914—1917, Deing ekiekly extraet krön, tke dlarv ok a militarv sttscks. kondon: Dutckinson. 84 36 sk, Kivingstnnv, W, V.: kaws ok kivingstonia. 4 narrative ok missionary sdventure and ackisvement. kondon: Dodder 8c 8tougklon. 8". 15 sk. Inieas, k. V.: Cdwln 4usl,n 4ddsy, Iloyal 4esdei»ician. '1Ke record ok kis like and worlc. 2 vols. kondon: Netkuen. 8". 126 sl>, Naelce„/ie, 3. Dass: Drewlng and malting. kondon: Ditman. 8". 8 sk. 6 d. Niller, D. Crickto»: Vke new psyekolvgy and tke tescker. kondon: .Isrrolds, 8". 6 sk. Nnrrav, (Ulbert: Cssays and addresses. komloi,: 4IIe» 8: Cnwin. 8" 10 sk. 6 d. Osbnr», C. lk: kiteralure and like. kondon: Netkuen. 8". 7 sk. 6 d. I'arlciiisuii. Runde: 'I'wenty yesrs in Doumania. kondon: 4IIe» 8: .Cnwin. 84 10 sk, 6 d. I'erkv, Itliss: 4 study ok poetry. kondon: Constable, 8". 12 sk. 6 <1. 8alisbnry, ködert Rarquis uk: kike. kv kis daugkter Ksdy Cwendolen Cscil. 2 vols. kondon: Dodder 8c 8tougkton, 84 42 sk. 8»sliice, .lullet 41.: Ckapters krön, ckildkood. keuiiniseences ok an artist's granddäugktsr. kondon : 8elwyn 8c lllount. 84 10 sk. 6 d, >tntkield, D»gk k. 4K: Driestcrskt. 4 study in unnecessary kictions, I.onilon: Dational Review. 84 7 sk. 6 d. 'l'itlvard, 4. 3.: Dtones ok stumbling. 4n sxamination ok sonie reli gio,is dikkieultiss. Rsing a sscpisl to »Vks manuscripts ok (lock , t'an,k>1dgs: Dekker. 84 9 sk.
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