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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 06.04.1847
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1847-04-06
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 06.04.1847
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-184704065
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18470406
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1847
- Monat1847-04
- Tag1847-04-06
- Monat1847-04
- Jahr1847
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In Xetions für pirac; ilie Dekendnnt w >;ivc tice »film DdjecliKns tn tde piainliips Idle un vliieii In; means to rely. No Person, except tde proprietor, Le., sdaii Import int» tde kritisil Dominions for 8nlo or Lire any Dooli tust eom- possd, Le. tvddin tiie Dnited Xin-;doni, aiid reprintod eisetviiere, ninier Penalty of Xur- feitnre tiiereof, and also of 10 /. nnä Doudie lim Valne. Looks may de ssiüed dy Oideers of Lustoms or Xxcise. 380 ^ 28 and MN)' de drouKlit and prosecuted I» fite same Lisnner in vvliied any otiier Motion ot Unmaßes to fite iike Xmount in»)' de drouKlit and prosecuted liiere. XVI. Lnd >>e it enacted, plmt alter Ilie psssinx of tdis tVet, in an; Helion brouLdt »itdin tde Lt-f/rs/t Dominions axainst any Person für printiiiA any sucii Look for 8uie, Ilire, or Xxportation, or for importinK, selling, pudiisiiinx, or exposinx to 8aie or Ilire, or causinK to de im>>orted, soid, pudiisded, or exposed to 8ale or Ilire, any s»el> kood, tde Defendnnt, on pieadinK tiiereto, sliall ojve to tiie piaiiililk n Notice in WrilinK ot any Od^vctions on »dieii Iie menns to reiy o» tliv 'Irin! of sucii tWtion; and il tlie Nature of dis Dvlonoe de, tliat tde piaintilk in sucii Xction >vas not tiie^ullior or lirst pudlisder of tliv Kood in vvliicii >iv sliall dy sucii Vction ciaim Lopyrindt, or is »ot tlie proprietor oftiie Lopyri°i>t tiierein, or tliat some otiier Person tlia» tde piaintilk was tiie ^ntlior or lirst pudlisder of sucii kood, or is tiie proprietor of tde LopyriKiit tderein, tiien tde Defe»da»t sdaii specik; in sucii Notice tde Name ot tlie Person »Iio de alieZes to Iiave dev» tiioV»ti,or or iirst pudlisiier ok sucii kood, or tiie proprietor ok tde Lopyrixdt Hierein, lo^etder tvilli tlie litis of sucii kood, and tlie Pinie »iie» and tiie piaee »Iiere sucd kood »as first >>udlisi>ed, otiier» ise tlie Defendant in sucii ^etion sliaii »ot at tde priai or iieari»N oi sucii Helion de ailo» od Io §ive any Xvidence tdat tde plaiiitiif in sucii ^ctivu »as not tlie Xutdor or first puliiisder of tde kood in »diel, Iie ciaims sucii Lopyri^iit as oioresaid, or tliat Iie »as not tde proprietor of tde LopyriAdt tderein; and at sucii Iris! or DearinA »o otiier Od^ectio» sdaii de ailo»ed to de made o» dvdalt of sucd »efendant ldan tde Od^ections siated i» sucd Notice, or tliat an;' otiier Person »as tlie ^»tdor or first pudlisder of sucii kood, or tlie proprietor of tiie Lopyriodt liierein, tlian tiie Person spe- cified in sucii Notice, or apvs i» Xvidence in support of dis Defence any older kood tdan one sudstantiali; cor- respondinx in Pille, lime, and place of pudlication »ili, tde Pille, Pinie, and place speeikivd in sucd Notice. XVII. ^»d de it enacted, pliat after tiie passinx of tdis Xct it sdaii not de iavvkui for an; Person, not deinK tiie kroprietor of tde 6opxri§dt, or some Person auldorired d^ dim, to Import into an^ Part of tde United Xinndom, or into an^ otiier Part of tiie Lr/Ds/t vouiiiiions, for 8aie or Ilire, an^ priuted dood lirst composed or »ritte» or printvd and pudiisded in an^ pari of tde said United Xinxdom, »derein tdere sliall de Lop^rixdt, and re-printed in an)f Lountr^ or I'isce » iiatsoevvr out of tiie Dominions; and if anx Person, »ot deiiiA sucd proprietor or Person autdoriited as aforesaid, sdaii Import or drin§, or cause to de im- ported or dronKdt, kor 8aie or Ilire, a»> sucd priuted IZood, into an^ Part of tiie Dominions, contrar^ to tiie Iriie Intent and NeaniiiF of tdis ^.ct, or sdaii Iino>vino1^ seil, pudlisd, or expose to 8ais or Ist to Ilire, or dave i» Iiis Possession for 8sie or Ilire, an^ sucd Dood, tde» ovsr^ sucii Look sdaii de korkeited, and sdaii de seired d^ an^ Oklicer ok Lustoms or Xxciss, and tiie sams sliall de deslro;ed d^ sucd Officer; and evsr^ Person so oifendiliA, deinK duix convieted tdereof dekore I»o dustiees ok tiie Peace kor tde Lount; or place in »diell sucii Lood sdaii de kound, sdaii also kor everx sucd Offenes torkeit tde 8um ok fe» pounds, and voudle tde Vaiue ok everx Lop^ ok sucii kood »dicii de sdaii so Import or cause to de imported into an; Part ok tde /D'/Ds/t Dominions, or sdaii luioxvingi^ seil, pudlisii, or expose to 8aie or Ist to Ilire, or sdaii cause to de soid, pudiisded, or exposed to 8aie or Ist to Ilire, or sdaii dave in dis possessio» kor 8aie or Ilire, contra,^ to tde lrue Intent and Illeani»^ ok tdis ^et, Xive pounds to tiie Ose ok sucii Oklicer ok Lustoms or Lxcise, and tde Xeniainder ok tde Penalty to tde Ose ok tde proprietor ok tde Lopyrizdt in sucd kood. Xs to tde Lopyrißdl in Xncyclnpiedias, perio- dicals,and XV»rds pud iisded in a 8eries, Xe- vimvs, or INaHaLiues. krovisn forXutdorstvdo dave reserved tde Xixdt XVIII. ^nd de it enacted, Idat xvden any pudlisder or otiier kerso» sliall, dekore or at tde lime ok tde passin^ ok tdis ^ct, dave pro^'eeted, eonducted, and carried o» , or sdaii dereafter pro^ect, conduet, and carry o», or de tde proprietor ok an; Xncyciopaedia, kevie»', llaxarins, ksriodieai IVord, or IVord pudiisded in a 8eries ok kooks or Parts, or any kood vvdatsoever, and sliall dave empioyed or sliall empioy any persons to eompose tde same, or any Volumes, Parts, Xssays, ^rlieies, or porlions Idereok, ior pudlication in or as Part ok tde same, and sucd Word, Volumes, Parts, Xsssys, Xrticles, or porlions sdaii dave deen or sdaii dereafter de composed ander sucd Xmploymeiit, on tde Perms tdat tde Lopyrixdt Hierein sdaii deionF to sucd proprietor, pro^ector, pudlisiier, or Lonductor, and paid kor dy sucd proprietor, Protektor, pudlisiier, or Lonductor, tde Lopyrigdt in every sucii Xnoyelopaedia, kevietv, Ulabgrine, periodical Work, and Word pudiisded in a 8eries ok Looks or Parts, and in every Volume, Part, Xssay, .Xrlieie, and Portion so composed and paid kor, sdaii Ke tde Property ok sucd proprietor, pro^ector, pudlisder, or otiier Lonductor, »do sdaii en^oy tde same Kindts as ik de »ere tde actual ^utiior tdereok, and sdaii Iiave sucd Perm ok Lopyri^dt tderein as is ßlven to tde ^»tiiors ok Looks by tdis ^ct; except oniy tdat in tde Lase ol Xssays, ^rtieies, or Portions korminA Part ok and lirst pudiisded in keviews, Ra^arines, or older periodical Works ok a lide Na ture, after tde Perm ok pdventy-eiAdt Vears krom tde lirst pudiiestio» tdereok respeetiveiy tde kixiit ok pudiisiiin^ tiie same in a separate Xorm sdaii revert to tde .Xutdor kor tde kemainder ok tiie Perm xiven by tiiis i^et: provided alivays, tdat durin» tde Perm ok p>venty-ei§dt Vears tlie said proprietor, Protektor, pudlisder, or Lonductor sdaii not pudlisd any sucii Xssay, ^rtieie, or Portion ssparsteiy or sin^iy vitdout tde Lonsent previousiy odtained ok tde .Vutdor tdereok, or dis ^ssi^ns: provided also, tdat notdinA Iierein conlained sdaii alter or assect tde kißdt ok any Person wdo sdaii Iiave deen or vdo sdaii de so empioyed as akoresaid to
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