Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 07.09.1847
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1847-09-07
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 07.09.1847
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- http://digital.slub-dresden.de/id39946221X-18470907
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-184709076
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18470907
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1847
- Monat1847-09
- Tag1847-09-07
- Monat1847-09
- Jahr1847
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1083 1847.^ (6824.) ^nnual8 3Nl1 0ik6ri1Iu8trst- «6 >vorIi8 kor 1848. Ly autdority, and dedicated, dy permission, lo Der Vlalesty's Oommissioners on tde Kine ^rts. 1. * 77re Lrkre Oorkoons, exdidited in West- minster Hall. Ludlisdod under tde 8nntion and Latronage ok Der dlalesty's Oommis- sioners on lde Lins ^rls. dargs kolio, Die ven Dngravings, in a neat Lortkolio, ord. 5 L 5 s. 7 krooks dekore Retters, ord. 8 E 8 s. lde advve important word will de pudlisked dekore Okristmas. lde Lrook Impressions are all sudscribed kor. lde average Lire ok tde Lrirs Oartoons 1s Lkteen keet in widtd and ten in keigkti ^ reduced scale »5 one inck and a dalk to tde koot das deen adopted; and in tde process of reductivn every care das been taden kaitd- kully io preserve all tde ckaracteristic keatures ok tde Originals; and tde Kngraving ok eacd Word das deen sub^ected to tde approvsl ok its sutdor. Litdograpdy das deen cdosen as tde mvst suitadle medium kor producing Oopies ok tde8k important words. ^utfcck«. >4rtl'sts. t. Oaessr's Kirst Invasion vkl „ . Lritain. j ^rnntnge. 2. Oaractacus led in lriumpd 1 „ „ tdrougk tde 8treets ok Lome j ' ' ^ 3. lde Kirst lrial dy lury 4. 8t. ^dugustine preacding to i Ktkeldert and Lertda, dis t Odristian t^uee» l !>. ldeOardinal Lvurcdier urg- t ing tde Dowager Oueen ok/ Kdward IV. to give up kromt 8anctuary tde Dude oklord) 6. lde Kigdt kor tde Lescon-i Descent uktkeLirates on tdet^, , , Knglisd Ooast in tde Hoi^n H-^o^enä. vkDenryVI. ^ 7. Dna alarmed dy tde Kauns > ^ ^ d'ro8t snä 8at^rs 8. Io8epd ok ^rimntden con- ? ^ 1 ir^^jz verting tde Urit»»8 > 9. Honliicen dnrnnLuinA tde! ^ ^ 8g,ous Iceni , 10. ^ikreä eudmitting dis 6o<ie/ ok I.sws kor tde L^prvvLl okk 2odn Lri(!ge8. tde VVitsn 11. LIennor 8Lre8 tde d.,ks ok. der Uu8d-o>ü kekterwsr(l8 IÜ6- wsrd I.) d)" gucding tde koi- 8on krom tde wouncl in di8 srin 2-*77te?oe<8 ?ke»5a«nce,- or, 6r>rclen ok n» 80its ok klesssnt klower« wdied our ?>en8anl kovl8 dsvs in ?N8l limo kor ka^tiins ^lanled: w ild tde ri^dt oräerinK ok Idem. Ly Lden ^Vnrwiolr. Square crown 8vo. wild numerou-, Illuslrulions enAraveä on >Vooä.... ^Id>8 word das originated in tde idea ok comdining and concentratinx in one volums 8vme ok tde ricde8t pa88age8, n,o8t elegant kan- e>e8, and >no8t deantikul 8ent'»nent8, connected witk welldnown and kavourits Üower8, tkat I!e scattered tkrongdout tde wide tield ok Lri- 6. VV. 6ope. d. 0. Horsley. dodn 2. Loli. dokn 8evern. tisd Lostry — tde tkougdts and meditationa vs 8kad8peare, IVIilton, 8pen8er etc. — upvn tdeae deantikul productivn» ok nature. "Lds j>ictorial Portion ok tde ward cvn- 8>8t8 ok border illustrativ»» enclosing tkis „true poetry ok üowers" in an appropriate krame, compo8ed in sack instance of tde tlowor treated ot, and enricded witd insocts in tdeir various Stage», and otder od^ects nstu- rally a8sociat>»g tkemselves witd tde >>lant. 9?de taste ok tde doginning ok tde six- teentk century das deen selected dy tde au- tkvr ok tde designs as tde dey or keeling upon wdicd tdey ars compossd, in emulation ok tde rick doods tdat formell tde glory ok tdat period. 3. * 7Vle d//rackes 0/ our §avkour. ?roku- sely Illuininaled on every page wild vla- dorale Lordorings ok original and uppro- priale dssign. In a binding ok novel eda- raeier, dssigned and modelled exprossly kor ldis Word.... l'de s>Ian ok tde Word may de skortly explsined as kollows: — In tde decoration ok tdis volume, tde Principal Intention ok tde Illuminator das deen (as in dis previou» ward, tde illumination ok „d?de Laradles") to ren- der dis designs original and novel in general elkect, and applicadle in tdeir genoral cka- racter, as kar as pvssidlo, to tde sud^oct ok eacd l>age decorated; it das also kormed part ok dis jilan to introduce a series ok sucd spe- cimens of tde Old Piasters ok tde art ok Illu mination as could de introduced witdout in- ^uring tde unity ok ekkect ok dis vwn design: witd tdis view, de das selected a series ok de- tacded kigures krom tde words ok tde old Illu minators, es^ecially tdose ok tde ^gvstles, — Ideals, wdicd, emdodied dy sucd dosigners as tde ,,nameless autkor^ wdose words dear tde dato 1466, — dy Llartin 8ckoengauer, — dy Oranack, — dy Israel von dlecdenen, — dy I-ucas von Leiden, — and dy lkldert Lurer and Lapdael, cannot kail to korm a very interesting suite ok samples ok early art devoted to sacred purpvses. In sdvrt, to dlend sucd a series ok oxanqdos into one karmonious series ol decurative dorderings, original in ge neral composition and elkect, and domogenevus in style and keeling, notwitkstanding tde ad- mixturo ok extraneous keatures, das kormed tde ^ilan ok tde present ekkort ok tde Illumi nator. — kuller account ok tde Materials employed, and tde intention ok tdeir appli- cation, will de appsnded to tde volume, in tde korm ok a descriptive Index. 8uperintended dy I,. Oruner. 4 *. TVre O'oock 8/tuuum«ke. d'rvm lde 8erip- lnres — 2 liings, cliap. IV. vv. 8 lo 37. In Ono volume, square kop. 8vo. »nikorm wild ,,kde 8ermoli on lde Illounl", „kara- bles ok Our dord^, and „Uliraeles ok Our I.ord". ^Vild 8i.x original Designs, and an Ornamonlal Lordvr lo eacl> page in llie ülis- sal style, printvd in Oolours and 6old. 8u- perinlendod and printed dy d. Oruner. In a dinding ok novel cdaraeter.... 8ud^ects ok tde Designs. 1. dllisda and Oedari guided dy an ^ngel, 2. Iklisda promises tde 8dunamite a 8on. 3. 'Lde 8kunamite witd der Uusdand and tde Okild, 4. lde 8dunamite lamenting tde Deatd ok tde Okild. 5. I'ke 8kunamite at tde d'eet ok düisda. 6. I'ke Okild restored to Dike. 5. 77«e /tee/,sa/,e, kor 1848- I'.dilcd dy lde Oounloss ok Llessinglon. ^Villi splendid Lmbollisdinenls, including a korlrait ok denny dind, dy eminent Artist«, engraved under tde superintendenee ok dir. 6. Ileatd; and Oonlribulions dy dislinguisded and ka- sdionable dVriters. Loyal 8vo. sild ord. 1 « 1 s. 6- T'/re öoo/c ofFeuukA kor 1848: comprising a 8erivs ok Lemale kortraits, represenling tde Oueens ok Lnglsnd in lde Oostumes ok tlie keriod, dy eminent Artist«, engraved under tde superintendenee ok dir. Odarles Ileatd; wild kiograpdiss dy tde Oountess ok LIessington. Loyal 8vo. sild ord. 1 L 1 «. 7. 7^rs/rer's7)ra»,MA-/ioc>m §crop-/1oo/>'. Ldi- ted dy dlrs. Norton. 4to. eonlaining ldirly- six splendid Illustralions. Ord. 1 L 1 s. 8- duveuk/e §cru/> -Loo/k. Ldited dy dlrs. Lids. Lost 8vo. wild Lixteen IIIus- trations. Ord. 8 s. 9 Oi uk/fs/run/t's Oomre .l/munuc/t. 12mo. ord 2 s. 6 ck. 10. 7/te VtStk ns //er 1/osk Oraekous l/uyesty (7ueen Vrekork» a»d 7//s Tlo^ak //,7//t„ess Lrknce ko k/re /s/und of derse^,, 8ept. 3, 1846. In a Series ok Iwonty-live Llates, krom Drswings dy lodn de Oape- lain, litdograpded dy d. Ilagde. LIepliant kolio, Iialk-dound. Ord. 5 L 5 s. List ok Llates. Vignette 'Litis — lersey Däne 8cene. 1. 'Lde .4rrival ok tde Loyal 8quadron at lersey, 8ept. 2, 1846. 2. danding ok tde Oueen and Lrince widert on tde dlew 8outd Lier, 8t. Lelier's, lersey. 3. Der dlalesty recsiving tde Keys ok Nont Orgueil Oastle, lersey. 4. l?de Llatkorm and Keep ok iVlonr Or gueil Oastle, lersey. 5. Le-emdardation okDer dlajesty and Lrince Ulbert, lersey, 8ept. 3, 1846. 5. Departure ok tde Loyal 8nuadron, 8ept. 4, 1846. 7. "Lown, Kort, and Dardour ok 8t. Delier's, lersey. 8. Dermitage, lersey. 9. 8t. tludin's Lay, lersey. 10. Lortelet Lay, lersey. 11. 8t. Lrelade's Okurcd, lersey. 12. 8t. Lrelade's Lay, lersey. 13. 'Lde Oordiere Locds, lersey. 14. 8t. Ouen's Lay, lersey. 15. Orosner Oastle, lersey. 16. Oave at Oreve au Lanxon, lersey. 17. Llömont, lersey. 18. Lonne Kuit Darbour, lersey. 19. Louler Lay, lersey. 20. Lorel Lay and Ilardonr, lersey. 21. 8t. Oatkerine's Lay, lersey. 22. t^nne Dort, lersey. 21. Nnnt Orgueil Oastle, lersey. 24. dlont Orgueil Oastle, lersey. 25. Valley ok Oueen's Karin, lersey. 156 *
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