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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 03.10.1848
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1848-10-03
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 03.10.1848
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-184810032
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18481003
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1848
- Monat1848-10
- Tag1848-10-03
- Monat1848-10
- Jahr1848
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1024 IM86.1 ^nmi.ils, Illustlütod ^orks, »nä Looks os Impottanoo, sor 1840. Wbick will de publislwd bx blessrs. Liaiig;- inrrii, Ur««ii iL Du. , I-oudon. 1.* M»Lrm5 and Or ecepts o/^t/ie. 8avron« .' being r> Leleetion ok Uw most beautikul Obristian preeepls eonlained in Uw pour Oospels; illustrated bx aseiies ok Illumina tion« ok original ebaraeter, kounded on Uw Passage« —kebold de powls ok Uw 4ir," Le. Le. and "Oonsider Uw bilies ok Uw pield," Le. Le. In a rieb binding, in Uw stxle ok tlw eelebrated "Opus 4ngli- eum" ord. 1 L 1 8. 3*4 Record of t/re /i/ac/i 7,'incebeing s Leleetion ok Original Passage« in tbe Obro- nieles ok Uw period relating Io llw prinei- pal kvents in bis Oareer; enrielwd witb Illuminatious, exeeuted in Uw bigbest stx>e ok linisb in paosimils ok Uw Miniature« anä Horde«'« ok Uie M8. Olironieles and u pav- «imile ok Uw lirst Page ok Uie Illuininated Lible, toben in tlie tont ok King lobn ok kranee at Uie kattlv okpoietiers: in a rieli carved and pierced binding. ord. 1 L 1 8. 3*So»A8, il/ad,--Aa/8 and Lon»et8.- a gatbe ring oksoine ok Uw mostpleasant plowers ok Old knglisb I'oetrx; «et in borders ok eoloured Ornament« and Vignette«. 8mall «c>uare sire, liandsoinelx bound, (probable priee) ord. 12 8. 4. Me bleep8a/,e, kor 1849. kdited bx tlw Oountsss ok Llessington. Will« splendid plinbelislnnents, bx eininent W'tists, en- graved »»der Uie superintendenee ok Mr. 6. lleatb; and Oonlribulion« bx distingui- «bed and ka8bionable Weiter«. lioxsl 8. «ilk, ord. 1 L 1 8. 5. 7/«e LoM ofSeau/U, kor1849: eomprising a 8eries ok psmale Portrait« , representing tbe Oueens ok kngland in Uw 0o«lume8 ok Uw period, bx eminent Wtists, engraved under tlw «uperintendenee ok ülr. Obarle« Ueatb; witb Liograpbies bx tbe Oounte«« ok Llessington. lioxal 8. silb, ord. 1 L 1«. 6. /Vs/ier'« /-raroknA - ^oom Lerap - Lao/«, kdiled bx Mrs. Norton. 4. eontsining Ibirtx-six «plendid IIlu«tration8. ord. 1L 1 s. 7. — dnvende §erap-öoo/,'. kdited bx Mrs. Lllis. kost 8- witb 8ixleen IIIu«tration8. ord. 8 8. 8. 0>ur7,8/tan/?8 Oomro 4/ma»ae/s. 12. ord. 1«. 8. * Aacred and /.eAendar^ 4rk. Lx Mr« lamvson. 2 vols. square erown 8. illustra- ted bx numerou« Woodeuts, and witb s kew Pitebing« bx tbe 4utbor. (probable priee) krom ord. 1 L 11 8. 6d. to 2 L 2 8. Vol. I. containing 1-egends ok tbe 4ngel« and 4rckangels, tbe plvangelists, tbe ^postles, tbe voctors ok tbe>^6kurcb, and blarx blagdalene. Vol. II. eontaininK; liegend« ok tbe Patron 8alnt« , tbe Virgin ?atrones«e«, tbe 6reek and Oatln blartxrs, tbe Lisbop« and Oonkessors, tbe Üerniits, and tbe ^Varrior 8aint« ok Obristendom. 10. * Me r/ku8tr»ted t7o»?^»aniort to t/re /.«- Irrt D«c/ronar^,' being a Oietionarx ok all tbe Word« repre««enting Visible Ob^eet«, eonneoted vi itli tbe 4rt«, 8vienoe, andLverx- dax biks ok Uw 4neienl«. Illustrated bx nearlx 2000 VVoodeut« krom tbe 4ntique. LX 4ntbo»x Hieb., L. 4. late ok Oaiu« Oollege, Oambridge; and one ok tbe Oon- tributor« to I)r. 8initb's ,,Oietionarx ot Oreeli and lioman 4ntiquitie8." 1 vol. post 8vo. (probable priee) ord. 18 s. -s- § 1 l'be autboriUes botb kor tbe Illus- trstions and Interjiretativns ivill in all ca- se« de given. 11. * Me 7>e«8!/,'i/ o////8toi'i/; or, a populär Oietionarx ok 4niinaled Nature : in tvicli Uw Aoologival Obaraoteristie« tbat distinguisb tbe dilkerent Olasse« , Osnera, and 8pecw8, are eombined >vitk a varietx okinterestinA Inkormation illustrative ok tbe Habit«, Instinot«, and Oeneral Leonoinx ok Uw 4nimal Kingdom. Io vvbicb si e ad- cled a 8x>labu« ok praetieal laxidsrmx, and a Olossarisl Appendix, blmbellisbed vitb Kine Ilundred Lngraving« on Wood, krom Oravving« inade exprssslx kor Uns xvorlc. Ox 8amuel Naunder, 4utbor ok ,,Ilw Iressurx oklinowledge," ,,Ibe8eien- titlo and biterarx Ireasurx," die. Pep. 8vo. xvitb prontispiece engraved on 8tesl and 900 Woodcul«, elolb, ord. 10 8. — bandsonwlx bound in einbossed roan, gilt edges 12 8. 12 * Me ///8tor«, ok LnA/anck krom tbe Se cession ok lamss ll. Lx Iboms« Lsbington Ulaeaulax. 8vo. Vol«. 1 and 2 (probable priee) 1 L 12 8. 13. * Me Doctor, Le. 4 blexv bldition, com- pletein One Volume. Lditedbx !>>e 4utlwr'« 8on in laiv, tbe Oev. lolin Wood Wär ter. 8quare erovvn 8vo. vitb a Portrait ok tbe 4utbor in bi« 8tudx, a Vieiv krom de Window ok ki« 8tudx, and Lust bx l^iasli, elotb, ord. 1 L 1 8. 14. Me t of ///umr»a/ro».- a Ouide to lilo- dern Illuininators; illustrsted bx nunwrous 8peoimen« krom Uw 6rest Illasters ok tbe 4rt ok vsriou« periods, exquisitslx bni«bsd in kaesimile ok tbe OriKinsl«; seeompanwd bx a 8et ok Outline«, to be eoloured bx tbe 8tudsnt aeeording to Ibeories explsi- ned in tbe worb. In an ornamental binding, ricblx illuminated, ord. 1L 18. 15. il/eairco rMstrated.' witb veseriptive bet- terpres«, in Lnglisb and 8psnisb. kx lobn kbillip«. In twentx-six Original vrawings, litbograpbed bx Illssrs. Oax and 8on. Polio, bslk-moroceo, 4L 4s.; or Ooloured, ^ 87 SS Original vrswillgs, in portkolio, ord. 10 L 10 s. 16. Oo8/nme8 ok tlw various M/ües, por trakt« ok /.«dies ok ^r.-rr/r, eelebrated princes and Obiek«, Views ok tbe prineipsl portrs«8es and Oitie«, and lnterior ok Uw Oities and lemples ok 4kkgbani«tan, krom Original vrawings. Lx daines Lattrax, Ls«j., bient. 2d Orenadiers, Lengal 4rn>x Polio, witb 30 Plate«, ooloured, ord. 10L 10«. Looks Ällspteä kor Okristwos ki eseuts. Me paraö/e« o/" Or«- bor ii.' a 8election ok tbe most stribing psrsbles krom Uw pour Oospels; everx parable enriebed witb an Illuminated Lorder ok original and appro- priate Oesign. Lverx psge ok tbe worb is illuminated. Lound in an iinitative ear- ved ebonx bindiog, 1L 1«. Me I/O aeke« of Our /.orck.- being s 8eleetion krom tbe lllirsele« ok tbe 8aviour, a« narra- ted bx tbe Lvangelist«; rioblx Illuminated on everx page will« Lordering ok original Oesign, oontaining a «eries ok kigures ok tbe Lpostles, krom eelebrated worbs ok tbe Old Illuminators, and «ix illuminated Illinialures ok original Oesign. In a rieb earved binding (a kaosimile oka magnikeent ivorx oover to a bne N8. ok Uw Oospels, in tlw kritisb llluseum) , 1L 1 8. Me 8ermo» on tbe 1/oun<. Intended kor a Lirtb-dax present, or 6ikt-koob kor all 8egsons. printed in 6old and Oolours, in Uw lllisssl stx>e, witli Ornainental Lorders bx Owen.Ions«, Vrcbiteet, and an illumi- nsted prontispieoe bx W. Loxall, Lsq. X ?iow PIdition, kep. 4to. in a rieb broeaded silb cover, 218.; or, bound in inorooeo, bx Oaxdax, 25«. Me 6ood K/tUnammOe. prom tbe 8criptu- res—2 King«, clisp. IV. vv. 8 to 37. In one vol. «guare kep. 8vo. unikorm witb "Ibs 8srmon on tbe Alount," " karable« ok 0ur1ord,"and "llliraeles ok our Lord." Witb 8ix Original Oesigns, and an Orna mental Lorder to eaeb page in tbe Missal «tx>e, printed in Oolours and 6old. 8uper- inlended and printed bx L. Oruner. In a binding ok novel ebaraeter. 1/r. 1/acuu/«!/'« /.oi/« of 4rreke-rt /iome. 4 l^lew kdition, «mall 4to. witb numerou« Illustrstions, Original and krom tbe 4nti- que, 1L1«. il/oore's rrrs/r il/e/odres. Illustrsted bx O. Aselise, k., 4.Imperial 8vo. witb 16lve- «ign« engraved on 8teel, 3L 3«. board«; or, 4L 14«. 6d. bound in Illorocco, bx ttaxdax- prook Impression« (on>x 200 eopies printed, ok wbieb a kew remain), 6L 68. bosrds.
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