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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 17.11.1848
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1848-11-17
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 17.11.1848
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-184811175
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18481117
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1848
- Monat1848-11
- Tag1848-11-17
- Monat1848-11
- Jahr1848
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1213 1848.) s7569.) Nachstehend? englische Werke, die be reits gebraucht, aber sämmklich noch gut erhal ten sind, können wir zu den beigcfügtcn be deutend ermäßigten Preisen gegen baar ab geben r Antigua and tlie -Intiguans. 2 Vol. London. 3 Oaronet, tbe xoung. 3 Vol. Houston. 1846. 3^26-4 NA. Larton, poems. London. 1825. 20 NA. Dernau, Missionar^ labours in Dritisb 6uiana London. 1847- 1 -^1. Dourke, 8t. ketersbourg and ßloscow. 2 Vol. London. 1846. 3 Dreen, 8t. Lueia, bistorieal, slatistieal and deskriptive. London. 1844. 1 -/I 15 NA. Lritton and Draclv)', memoirs ok tllv tower ok London. London. 1830. 1 »/), Dullar, a winterin tbs.^rores. 2Vol. London. 1841. 3 ^ 15 NA. Dulwer, tbe last da^s ok kompe^'i. 3 Vol. London. 1834. 3 26-4 NA. — Lianen Lspsllo. 3 Vol. London. 1843. 3 26^4 NF- Durdett, Lilla Hart. ^ tale ok Newxorlc. New- >orb. 1846. 25 NA. Durslem, a peep into loorlibislan. London. 1846. 1 15 NA. Obatl8wortI>.3 Vol. Lond. 1844. 3-^ 26-4 NA. Looper, tbe daeb 0' Lantern or tlie privateer. 3 Vol. London. 1842. 3 26-4 NA. — tlie Lliainlisarer. 3 Vol. London. 1845. 3 ^ 26^4 NF. — tlie Dedsbins; or Indian and Ingin. 2 Vol. New^orb. 1846. 1 Oostello, LIiss, Lear» and tlie pxrenee«, a legendär^ to tlie eountr^ ok llenrx IV. NVitb numerous illustrations. 2 Vol. London. 1844. 3 — a tour trongb tlie ealle^ ok tlie äleuse, xvitb tlie legend« ok tlie vslloon countr)' andtbe^rdennes. London. 1846.l-/)I5 NA. Loulter, sdventures vn tlie westsr» eoast ot soutb ^nieriva and tlie inlerior ok Lalikor- nia. 2 Vol. London. 1847.2 Orespign)', Laroline de, m^ souvsnir or poems. London. 1844. 20 NA. Diekens, tbe battle ok like. klegant geb. in Ooldsebnitt. London. 1846. 1 -/). — Oombe^ and 8on. London. 1848. NVilb illustrations. 3 26-4 NA. — American Notes kor general cireulation. 2 Vol. 1842. London. 2 15 NA. d'Israel^, L., Loningsk)' or tbe ns>v Genera tion. 3 Vol. 1844. London. 3 26-4 NA. — 8ybil or tlie two nstions. 3 Vol. London. 1845. 3 ^ 26'4NA. Ouneun, travels in gestern ^krica. 1845/46. 2 Vol. London. 1847. 2 25 NA. Ounlop, travels in Lvntral-^meriea. London. 1847. 1 15 NA. Experiments, tbree, ok living, kbiladelpbia. 1846. 25 NA. Fünfzehnter Jahrgang. kaloon-kamily, tlie. London. 1845. 2 kaulkner, visit to Lerman^ and tlie low eountries in tlie ^ears. 1829/31. 2 Vol. London. 1833. 2 ka^, 1K. 8., tlie double duel or lloliolien. 3 Vol. London. 1843. 3 >/) 26-4 NA. kergusons, tlie, or vvomans love. 2 Vol. London. 1839. 2 17-4 NA. kortune, tlires z>ears wanderings in tlie nor- lliern provinees ok Lliina. Will, numerous illustrations. London. 1847. 3 20 NA. krsnvis, Notes krom a Journal kvpt in Ital) and 8ieil)'. London. 1847. 2 >/i. 6als Illiddleton. /I stor^ ok tlie present da^. 3 Vol. London. 1833. 3 26-4 NA. Kalt, 8tanle^ Luxlon; or tlie sebool-kellows. 3 Vol. London. 1832. 3 26-4 NA. Lore, tlie Debutante. 3 Vol. London. 1846. 3 ^ 26-4 NA. — tlie queen ok venmarli. 3 Vol. London. 1846. 3 26-/4 NA. — tlie mone^-lender. 3 Vol. London. 1843. 3 26-/4 NA. Hall, ßlrs. 8. 6., slietelies ok irisb eliaraeter. London. 1831- 1 15 NA. Hamiltons, tlie, or tlie new sera. 3 Vol. London. 1834- 3 ^ 26-4 NA. Llarris, tlie bigblaiids ok ^elliiopia. Nsw^ork. 1^. lkarlitt, >V., eonversations >vitl> lomes Nortli- vote. 1 llead, kr. 8., a narrative. 2.Ldition. London. 1839. 1 -^10 NA. I1eu>vel, van, kl Dorado; Lein«; a narrative ol tlie eircumstances »Iiieli z-ave rise to reporls, in tlie 16. Century ok tlie exi- stenee ok a ricli and splendid eit^ in 8oull>- ^nieriea. IVitlr a map. Neivxorli. 1 »/^. llooli, kereßirine liunee. 3 Vol. London. 1842. 3 -/i 26-^ NA. IIo§§, daines, tales ok tlie >vars ok älontrose. 3 Vol. London. 1835. 3 »/i 26-/^ N'A. Ilulton, stve z'ears in tliskast. 2 Vol. London. 1847. 3 ^ 10 NA. dames, ärralt Neil. 3, Vol. I.ondon. 3 26-/4 NF. 8t. dolw, 1. ^., 8ir Losmo Oi§I>I>^. 3 Vol London. 1843. 3 26-/. NA. — tl>e lives ok eslelirated travellers. 2 Vol. London. 1831. 2 doslin, LIement ok llome, or seenes krom tlie Lliristianit^ ok tlie 1- Century. Nexv^orli. 1846. 25 NA. dournal ok a ke>v montlis residence in kortu- xal, and Alimpses ok tlie soutli ok 8pain. 2 Vol. London. 1847. 2 ^ 10 NA. dulies, narrative ok tlie surve^inx vozaxs ok O. äl. 8. kl^, eommanded I>> Lapl. Llseli- wood, in lorres strait, New Luinea, and otlier islands ok tlie easlern ^reliipelago durinA tlie xears 1842/46 ; toxellier witli an excursion inlo tlie inlerior okllie eastorn part ok dava. 2 ^Vol. London. 1847. 5 -/I 20 NA. Kaz'st, a voiee krom Libanon. London. 1847. 1 ^ 15 NA. lieudull, narrative ok tlie lexan 8a»la kv ex- pedition, oomprisinx a desvriptio» ok a tour tlirouZIi Ivxss. 2 Vol. New^orle. 1846. 2 Lakilte, tlie pirate ok tlie xulk. 2 Vol. New- >orli.1847. 1 ^ Lever, tlie 0'Oono§Inie. Dublin. 1845. 3 26-4 NA. » Liddiard, >V., retrospeetion and otber poems. London. 1841. 1 Alabsrly, Leontine, or lkv eourt ok Louis tlie kikteentb. 3 Vol.London 1846.3-^26-/, NA. älaeleenrie, litian. 3 Vol. Loiidon. 1843. 3 V? 26-4 NA. älaKin», VV., dolin ßlanest^. 2 Vol. London. 1844. 2 ^ 17-/g NA. älarrz'ut, Lereival lieene. 3 Vol. London. 1842. 3 i/S 26-/4 NA. älartineau, korest and game-law tales. 3 Vol. London. 1846. 2 15 NA. älalebmuelter, tlie. ^ »ovel. 3 Vol. London. 1842. 3 -^26'/i NA. älaturin, ßlonteruma, tbe last ok tlie ^rtecs. 2 Vol. Nsw^ork. 1845. 1 Naxwsll, Lapt. 0'8u»ivan. 3 Vol. London. 1846. 3 26-L NA. älvlville, Omoo: a narrative ok sdventures in tlie soutb seus. London. 1847. 11 Illenioirs ok Lliarles Alatlliews, eomedian. 2. kdition. 4 Vol. London. 1839. 4 älelbuen, like ii> tlie wilderness or wanderinxs in 8outb ^kries. London. 1846. 1^)15 NA. älills, dobn, tbe old Hall. 3 Vol. London. 1845. 3^ 26-4 NA. ßlolkatb, Missionar)' labonr« and «eenes in norlbern äkrica. Newzorli. 1846. 25 NA. Illonaldi. tals. boston. 1841. 25 NA. Norier, ^zsslu, tlie maid ok Kars. 3 Vol. London. 1834- 3 26-4 NA. Nixlits. lbe twelvs. London. 183 l. 1 kealie, eourt intrißues. 3 Vol. London. 1846. 3 »/I 26-4 NA- koole, dobn, little keddintzton. 2 Vol. London. 1839. 2 17-L NA. kauldin?, tbe old continental; or tlie price ol liberl)'. 2 Vol. 2 kdition. New^orlt. 1846. 1 kubio, Ilambles in tbe LI. 8t. and Oanada, du- ri»A tlie )>ear 1845 ; witb a sborl accounl ok Oregon. London. 1846- 1 10 NA. 8ol>rüder, sliores ok tlieälediterranean. 2 Vol. London. 1846. 2 15 NA. 8bepard, seenes and songs ok soeial like. lloston. 1846. 25 NA. 8lieteb, s, ok ^sssm; witb some aeeount ok tbe lull tribss. London. 1847. 1 24 NA. 180
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