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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 26.08.1869
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1869-08-26
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 26.08.1869
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-186908264
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18690826
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1869
- Monat1869-08
- Tag1869-08-26
- Monat1869-08
- Jahr1869
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197, 26. August. Lo^ix-r. riie, or, lbe eartl, in ber varied pbases, past, present, and kuture. Ly Kon tzuis? sed tzuid? s cometile. Kew Vork, llale L 8on. Llolb 2 ». 25 c. R^ri-, L. 9 . patly's sonrney srom Loslon lo Lsllimore. 16. Loston, Lee L 81>epard. Llotli l II. 26 o. Riv»on, ll. tke structural lesions ok tbe sinn; tlieir pstbology aml treatment. Illustr. 8. I'liiladelplila, Lippincott L Lo. Llotli 3 I». I^onsren. .1.. Walter 8avage Landor. /V biograpby. portr. and illustr. 8. koston, Rields, Osgood L Lo. Llotli 3 II. 50 c. knevrxo. 6., tlie lost manuscripl. Lransl. by Vlrs. Vlalcolm. 8. Kew Vorlt, rlpplelon L Lo. pap. 75 c. Lneexe, d. II., Xtlraliak, a novel. 12. Kew Vorlt, Larlelon. Llotli l I>. 75 e. Lnlsooiv, L. II.. 8ex in nature. Vn esssy. 12. koston, Klcbols L Kaye». Llotli 1 ll. 25 c. Ilr-xn, 6. L., au essay on 2 new System ol korlilication. Illustr. 4. Kew Vorlt, van Koslran,!. pap. 1 ». dounx-vi.. -rne, or r»L 6vrtLrcol.ooic-vi. 8ocirrv or Losroit. Ldited by IV. Lewis, II. II. 8torer, and 0. II. Lixby. Vlontlily. Vol. 1. Ko. 1. d»iy, 186S. 8. Loslon, Lampbell. pap., per year 3 L. — or socixi. scirncr. Lonlaining tlie transactions ok tiie ^iu. ^ssoc. ns social Science. K». 1. 8. Kew Vorlt, Leypoldt L Holt, pap. I 0. Lxrnour, .1. II., Ilinls sor six niontlis in Lurope. 12. pbiladelpbia, Lippincott L Lo. Llotli 1 II. 50 c. Lri/tsv, L. <!., Hans kreitiiiiinn's ballads, compiete. 12. pbiladelpbia, pelerso» L Lros. Liolii 2 s>. KL1.1.. .1. 8., tlie subsection os women. 12. Kew Vorlt, Kppleton L Lo. Llotli 1 U. 25 c. KIv L^vonrrn Lrixon: a novel. 8. Kew Vorlt, llarper L Lros. pap. I R. 25 c. Kr^i.. wanderlng reeolleclions os a somewbat busy Ilse. 16. Unsinn, Rolierts lirns. Llotli 2 I». Krwnunx', II.. Vlay belli or. duly bekore pleasure. 16. Loston, Lnllii'np L Lo. Llotli I I>. 50 c. Kovx Lnir-t^iti-v. Olkerlng most excellent srults by planting in Vir ginia. Lxciling all sucl, as l,c well all'eeteil ln surtlier tlie same. (Luinlon 1600.) Leprinled. 8m. 4. Kew Vorlt, 8a>,in L 8o»s. Lds. 5 large paper 10 I». knn.>p lin.vktii.Lv'8 i.irii vvoitit, »ovv ne rovriv ir. Ly )l. L. 16. Kevv Vorlt, llodd. Llotli 1 l>. 15 c. kuici-ips, .1.. oplillialmic surgery an 1 treatment, will, adrice on tlie »se and aliuse ns speclacles. Illustr. 8. Lliicago. IVestern Kews Lo. Llotli 5 ll.; siip. 5 L 50 c. koosLVLl.r. L. L., live acres too mucli; s trutlisul elucitlstion os tlie attractions os tlie counlry. Illustr. 12. Kew Vorlt, llarper L Lros. Llotli 1 ». 50 c. kosexuitno, 6. L., tlie wonders os tl>e vvorld: cowprising startling Mtideiits, interesting sccnes, vvondersul evenls, in all countries, in all ages, and among all people. Illustr. 4. Kew Vorlt, L. 8. Luli. Lo Llotli 4 I>. 50 c. 8ovriiwnnrn, L. I>. L. K , Ike Lride's säte: a sequel lo ..Viie cliange,! lii ides". t2. l'liiladelpliia. Leterso» L Lros. pap. 1 I>. 50 c.; ciotli 1 l> 75 c. 8ikn.L, 1. L., sourtee» weelis in natural pliiiosopliy. 12 Kew Vorlt, Larves L Lo. Ils. roan l l). 40 c. lovsLv, 8., Papers Irom over tlie water: a series os letters srom Luro^e. 12. Kew Vorlt, äm. Kews Lo. Llotli 1 I). 50 e. llneikto, 8. k., an american woms» io Lurove: two years and a lials in Lermaiiy, 8witrerlan,l. prance, and Ilaly. 12. vostou, Lee L 8liepard. Llotli 1 ». 50 c. >VLi.rLN, iV. L., conservative surgery in its adaptatlon to trauwstie in^uries ol tlie limlis. IVitl, cases. pitlslaurg, .lolinston L Lo. Llotli 2 p. 50 c. 1V.vitr:i.v, .1 L., /Inecdoles os IVesley. Large. 16. Kew Vorlt, Larl- ton L Lanalian. Llotli 1 I>. 25 c. VVel.i.8, I. 8.. a trealise on diseases os tlie eye. pirst amer. edition. wltli additions. Illustr. 8. pliiladelpliia, Lea. Llotli 6 L. 50 c. ^scnoititx, II., tlie dead guesl. Irom tlie german. Ly 0. L. ilclVliorter. 8. Kew Vorlt, äppleton L Lo. pap. 50 c. Englische Literatur. vooit, /v, or nrnoines. Ly autlior os „Margaret and Iier tirldesmalds", elc. 3 Vols. Post 8. London, Hurst L L. Llotli 3t s. 6 d. conversstion, circulstlng - librar^ kook; L uovel snä /et not » novel. Lnvce. L». L., tlie Kew IVest; or, Lslilornia in 1867—1868. Post 8.. London, irüliner. Llotli 6 s. 6 d. Lxvirs. 8.1., Lover. IVitli pliotograpliic Illustration« by L. 8edgkield. Lr. 4. London, provost L Lo. Llotli 10 s. 6 d. Lexves, II., 8lietclies ok tlie 8outli and VVest; or, ten montlis' resi- dence ln tlie United 8tates. 12. London, Llaekwood L 8. Llotli 5 s. llLsznr, Only a wowan's love. 2 Vols. Post 8. London, linsley. Llotli 21 s. Li-ris, IV. 8., tlie antitiuitles ok lisrsldry, oollected srom tlie litera- ture, colns, gems, vases, and otiier Monuments os pre-clirislisn and msdiaeval time«; wltli a eaislogue ol early armorisl seals, tending lo «Low tliat modern tieraldry emliodiss or is derived srom tlie religious symliols, tlie wililary devices, and tlie emldems ol tlie lieatlien deities os antiquity. 8. London, L L. 8mitli. Llotli 15 s. 1^5. Lllis enäeLvours to jirove tl»Lt our lieraltlio ekLrze8 are äeriveä srom tlie most Lneient religious s/mdols, ^ust 28 Lt page 72 Ke traee8 tlie cro88 to tke pt»Lllu8. 2^t tke enä ok Ki8 volume Ke ßive8 litko- xrLpkic i1Ili8tration8. ?i.^v, .1. U.. tlie palaslies s.lews) ok iVliysslnia. Will, a prsksce by Lr. lvraps. Iranslated by 8. p. 600dl,art. 12. London, Illacin- tosli. Llotli 1 s. 6 d. 6nxv, ü., Lp and down tlie world: a novel. 3 Vols. Post 8. Lon don, Linsley. Llotli 31 s. 6 d. Lnrekiwoov, L, lbe seven curses ok London. Post 8. London, Ri vers. Llotl, 7 s. 6 d. Air. 6reenrvooä'8 8even cur8«8 are iieKleeteä ekilären, i»ros«88ioual tkieve8, profe88ionsl be§FLr8, talleo vvoinen, 6runkenne8, ketting ZLmk- Ier8, Lnä tlie tracle os ekarit/. llivverocu rnr n.v?nr, tlie lay os. Ue-ediled by VV. IV. lieat. 8. London, Lrübner. 10 s. Lovu »ir: ron vir rovr:. Ly tbe aulbor ok 'pllrls and llirls'. 2 Vols. Post 8. London, Lentlvy. Llotli 21 s. lllcL.^nrnv, L.. i»y enemy's daugliter: a novel. 3 Vols. Post 8. London, Linsley. Llotli 31 s. 6 d. Krw», Lv., an illnstrsted natural blstory ol britisb motbs: will, lise sire ligures krom nalure os eacb specles and ok tlie mors strililng varieties: also, lnll descriptlons ok botl» tbe perkecl ln- sect and tl>e eaterpillar, togetker wilb dates ok appearaoce and localilies wbere kound. Royal 8. London, Lweedie. Llotli 20 s, Krwr.i^ir, p. IV., üliscellanies: clilelly addresses, acsdewicsl and bi- storieal. 8. London, Lrübner. Llolb 7 s. 6 d. Onn, Dins 8., Illounlain patriols: s tale ok lbe rekormatlon in 8avoy. 12. (Ldinburgk.) London, 8iwpliln. Llotli 2 s. penriNL, d., 8electa e praescriptis. 8electlons krom pliysiclans' pre- scriplions. Ln wlileli is added a bey conlaining tlie prescrlptlons, in an unabrsvlaled korm, will, literal translatlon. 32. London, Lkurclii». Llotli 5 s. kxiiunsL, >V. d., a manual ok mscliinery and millworlt. Post 8. Lon don, Lrlklin. Llotli 12 s. 6 d. 8cnr.mrr:l., L., a sbetcli ok tlie cbaracter okdesus, translated krom tlie tliird german editlon. 8. London. Longmans. Llotl, 12 s. Or. 8ckenkel'5 vvork liL8 osten been cla88ell vvitk tkv vvork8 os kenan Qiicl 8trau85, but vvronZI/ so. Oe inlenil8 not to ilestro/ dut to builä up, not to oppose saitk kut to puris/ anä renevv it. l'rouFl» tke gloom/ /ear8 os tkeolo^ical retroAre8Sion, Or. 8ckenkel Ka8 eon5tLntl/ resrerllett Kiw8els >vitk tke livinK imsZe os tke 8Lviour. Lnriicu, p., tlie russo-indian yuestion bistorieally, strateglcally, and politically considered; witb a slietcb ok central asiatic polltics, and map ok Lentral iVsla. Post 8. London, Ulaemillan, Llotli 7 s. 6 d. LnsvrVs Love 8ronv. 3 Vols. Post 8. London, llurst L R. Llotl, 3t s. 6 d. IV^rror,, L., Llowers krom tlie llpper Vlps, will, glimpse« ok tl,eir bomes: tlie descriplive lext by L. 6. Ronney. Lol, London, Lbompson. Llotl, 42 s. IVoxiL.n'8 wonir,4ni> IVaiiiLu's cvi.rvne: a series ok essays. Rdited by dosepliine L. Luller. 8. London, ^laemlllan. Llotli 10 s. 6 d. IVooo, d. 6-, Lible animals, belog g deseription ok evsry living crea- ture mentloned in lbe 8eriptures, krom tbe ape to tbe coral; xxdtl, 100 new designs by VV. P. lieyl. L. VV. Wood, and L. ^V. 8mitl>, engraved by 6. I'esrson. 8. London. Longmans. Llolb 21 s. Vonoe, L. lil., 2 boob ok wurtliies, gstbered krom tlie old bistories, and now wrillen anew by tbe autlior ok „Lbe lieir ok RedclylLe". 12. London, Vlacmillsn. (Loldeo treasury series.) Llotli 4 s. 6 d.
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