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Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel : 02.03.1868
- Strukturtyp
- Ausgabe
- Band
- 1868-03-02
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 02.03.1868
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Sammlungen
- Zeitungen
- Saxonica
- LDP: Zeitungen
- Digitalisat
- SLUB Dresden
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-db-id39946221X-186803024
- OAI-Identifier
- oai:de:slub-dresden:db:id-39946221X-18680302
- Lizenz-/Rechtehinweis
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- ZeitungBörsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel
- Jahr1868
- Monat1868-03
- Tag1868-03-02
- Monat1868-03
- Jahr1868
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564 Nichtamtlicher Theil. 51, 2. März. Die alte Buchhandlung von Adrien Leckere in Paris hat Bank e rot t gemacht; die Schulden belaufen sich auf 1,700,000 Frcs , darunter 1 Mill. Frcs. für. dargeliehenes Geld. (Nrnb. Correfp.) Die Gesammtsumme von Verlagsfirmen in den Ver einigten Staaten beläuft sich gegenwärtig auf 179. Davon kommen 80 auf New-Uork, 31 auf Philadelphia und 25 auf Boston. TVeuer /ür Blä/ingrap/ue und Ller- »usgsg. von Or. ^s. OetLboldt. äabrg. 1868. Oelt 2. Inbalt: Bibliotbelrar Or. Konrnd Bstlimann.— Heber den „Ouiversnl ^rt Oatnlogue". — Neuest« Beiträge rur Onustlitteratur. — Oie Oitteratur des Oeutsebeu Krieges 1866. (Bortsetrung ) — Oie Luebbändlsr- und Bucb- drucleersignete der neueren 2eit. — Oitterstur und Llis- eellsn. — Allgemeine Bibliogrspbie. Neuigkeiten der ausländischen Literatur. Amerikanische Literatur. (Mitgetheilt von E. Steiger in New-Dork.) Xsxssir, Prot, and Urs., a fourney in Lraril. lllustr. 8. Loston, lielioor L fields. Olotb 5 9. Lxvexv, ^., military kislory ot ll. 8. Orant, srow ^pril, 1861, to >pril, 1865. portr. Vol. 1. 8. diew Vorli, ^ppleton L Oo. Olotb 4 l>. sky subscription.) D^xioi«. — kl,otograpl,s os iliseases of tlie sliin, talien srom lise, uncler tlie superintendence os ll. 0. Dämon, Oirst 8eries 8ix plates, in tliree parts. 4. Loston, Oampbell. pap., per part, I D. (Ly subseription.) Dxwi«: a novel. 12. lloston, Vdsms L Lo. Olotb 2 D. Donor, U. ^., Womsn's wrongs. ^ oounler-irritant. 16. lloston, liclinor L pields. Olotl, I D. 50 o. Lr Lin: 6o>I and man by tlie ligbt os nalure. ^ slietcb in outline. 16. Obicago, Uyers >V Obandler. Olotl, 1 D. 50 c. Lrior, 0. W., and p. ll. 8ronrn, s manusl os inorganie ckemistry, arrsoged to sseilitate tlie experimental demonstratio» os tlie lscts anil prineiples os tlie Science. 12. dlew Vorli, lvlson, pbinney, »lalieman L 6o. Olotl, 3 D. 50 o. korrrnro«, Oronoixiix, s slorwy lis«. ^ novel. lllustr. 8. dlew Vorb, ^ppleton L Oo. l'ap. 1 D. 50 e. Bari., p., Oise os Uaximilian I., late emperor os Uexico; witb s slietel, os tlie empress Oarlotta. portr. 12. dlew Vorli, Uiller. Olotl, 2 D. Ilvxrr, I. II., Ilsndbooli os grape culture; or, wliy, wkere, wlien, and bow to plant and eultivate s vineyard, msnusaeture wines, etc. 12. 8an Francisco, öancrost L Oo. Olotl, 2 D. -lovce, k. D., Legends ol tlie wsrs os Irelsnd. 16. lloston, Oamp bell. Olotl, 1 D. 50 c. Locxr. D. k., Olilroes srom lientucliy. lllustr. 12. Doston, Lee L 8liepard. Olotl, 1 D. 50 e. Lv^ixx, 1. I!., Ootton culture. Will, a eliapter on eotton seed and ils uses, by 1. L. 8ypber. 12. diew Voilr, dudd L Oo. Olotl, 1 D. 50 e. Uvxor, Oi-xn.x, dlapoleon and lllüeber. ^ novel. Iranslated srom tlie germsn by 0. dordau. lllustr. 8. dlew Vorli, ^ppleton L Oo. pap. 1 D. 50 e. p^rxirn, 1. IV., tlie poetry os eompliment and eourtsbip. 8c;. 16. Doston. lieknor L pields. Olotl, 1 D. 50 e. krs.>svi.vxiu^ nospir^r. nrnonrs. Vol. 1. lllustr. 8. pliiladelpliia, Lindsay L Llaliiston. Olotb 5 D. ko»rnov, ll., 8ense; or, saturday niglit musings, ete. lllustr. 12. dlew Vorli, Osrletov L Oo. Olotb 1 D. 50 o. — klonsense; or, blts and eriticisms on tlie sollies os tbe dsy. lllustr. 12. klew Vorli, Oarleton L Oo. Olotl, 1 D. 50 e. pnikicr, D., Plastics: s new cisssilicstion and a bries exposition os plastie surgery. ^ reprint srom tbe report in tbe transaotioos os tbe Illinois Uedical 8ociety sor 1867. 8. pkilsdelpbia, Lind say L Dlalilston. Olotb 1 D. 50 o. Lxv^or, 1., penlsn beroes and martyrs. Odited, witl, an kistorioal introduotion on ,.Ibe struggle sor irisb nationallty". 12. Lo ston, Donaboe. Olotb 2 D. 8ovrnwonr». Urs. 0. D. 0. dl., tbe widow's son. X novel. 12. pbila- delpbis. kelerson L Lros. pap. I D. 50 c. VVreiis, ll. 0., Orandpa's liouse. 16. diew Vorli, liurd L llougliton. Olotb 1 D. 50 e. >Vii.l.xno, Oi.irxsrr» 0. 6.. 8exology ss tbe pkilosopby os lile: im- plying social organiration and governmeut. 12. Oliicsgo, VValsb. 3 D. Englische Literatur. Lorrr, p., a ride scross tbe Oontinenl: a personal narrative os wsn- derings tlirougb diicaragua and Oosta ltica. 2 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, Lentley. Olotb 2t s. Ovunikio»^», 1., tbe (lualiers, srom tbsir origln tili tbe present time: an international bistory. Post 8. (Odinburgb.) Ooodoo, Hamilton. Ololb 5 s. Dxnwm, 0»., tl>e Variation os snimsls and plants under domeslica- tion. 2 Vols. 8. bondon, Uurray. Olotb 28 s. Ovw^nos, ll. 8.. tbe gnveroor's daugkter: a novel. 2 Vols. Post 8. bondon, 'linsley. Olotb 21 s. pnene, U., Old Deccan dsys; or, llindoo sairy legends current in 8outbern Indla Oollected srom oral tradilion, witb an lnlro- duetion and noles, l,y L. prere; and illustralions by 0. p. prers. Post 8. Oondon, Uurrsy. Olotb 12 s. pnv, Urs. pnxncis: a memoir os. Ly lier daugkter, Urs. p. Oress- well. ^bridged srom tlie larger memoir, will, alteratious and addilions. 12. bondon, diisbet. Oloil, 3 s. 6 d. O^ni-^kio. In., Uemorlals, literary and religious. Post 8. Oondon, llamilton. Olotl, 6 s. 6 d. llxreirr, IV. 0., llandbooli to tlie populär poetical and ilrainatic lite- raturs ol Oreat Lritain, srom tbe invenlion os printing to tbe restoration. 8. Oon«lon, 8m>tli. llals-bound 31 s. 6 d. ltLVLK^on, 1vl.i^, Dora. 3 Vols. Post 8. Oondon, liurst L L. Olotb 31 s. 6 d. Lxi-eia», 8>n VVxi-rLn. — Oise os8ir Walter Laleigb, 1552—1618. Ly l. 8t. lolin. 2 Vols. Post 8. London, Oiiapman L ll. Olotb 18 8. bioßiLpk^, emboä^inA t!»e results of rekesrc!» ln tlie 8tLte OlLoe kuä Public tiecorils. kninei-^xo .xno ,rs vLoenvs, and otber lales. Iranslsted srom tbe germso, will, a prelsce, by VV. l. 0. Lennett. 12. London, llayes. Olotb 3 s- 6 d. konev, 0., kambles on rallways; will, maps, diagrsms, and appen- dices. 8. London, Wilson. Olotb 15 s. -V» «»»MiaLtioll vt Uie railiVL) in Orcat Urilsin, »»4 tbe Oontinent of klurozre; it8 present «tste »116 future prnspeets. 8ewei.i., Li.irxnk:r» U., /Vlter lile: setjuel lo ,,Ibe fournal os a bome lise". Post 8. London, Longmans. Olotl, 10 s. 6 d. 8,nx on 8wi«. ^ novel. Ly tlie autlior os..Lseommended to mercy". 3 Vols. Post 8. London, linsley. Olotl, 3t s. 6 d. 8kLncLn, ll., social staties. Post 8. London, Williams L dl. Olotb 10 s. 8k>kmciin, L, Ibings new and old: or, a storeliouse os similes, sen- tenees, allegories, apoplitliegms, sdages, apologues, divine, moral, Political, etc.; will, llieir severai applications. Oollected and ob- served lrom tlie writings and sayings os tbe learned in all ages to tl,is present, will, piessce by II,. puller. 2 Vols. Post 8. London, legg. Olotb 12 s. 6 d. 8svine, k., a Manual os tbe diseases ol tlie sliin. Post 8. London, Oburcbill. Oloib 24 s. Sw^viiL, 6. 0., Labe Victoria: a narrative os explorations in sesrcb os tlie source os tlie diile. Oompiled srom tbe memoirs os Oapi- tains 8pelie and Orant. Post 8. London, Llacliwood. Olotli 7 s. 6 d.
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